“Rokkaavaa menoa Chrisin ja Aaronin hienon kemian höystämänä. Tämä podcast pitäisi löytyä radiosta, mutta hyvä näinkin - kannattaa kuunnella jos rock/hard rock pintaa syvemmältä on lähellä sydäntä!”
“Talking as a recent convert to all things D.G. i can't recommend this podcast highly enough; every week you're guaranteed excellent musical subjects, good laughs, informative hosts, and often a lot cool stuff you've never even heard before... best of all, interviews with the people...”Read full review »
hoops from zappateers via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·
“Great podcast for all lovers of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal!! From "Years in Review", to in depth interviews...if you think you know the whole story, think again!!!
Former Geek of the Week.”Read full review »
NYMetsNo1 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
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