With the Winter Solstice just days away (December 21st) we wanted to record a collective tarot reading & meditation to share with you the lessons and guidance you may need to hear as we move into this new season. Madison performs a tarot reading, interpreting the cards as a call for rest and self-care during the busy holiday season.  Molly guides you through a meditation perfect for those who are struggling to get into the mode of rest and receiving, or those of you who feel like you are...
Published 12/19/23
Immerse yourself into the magic of winter and uncover what makes December 21st so special… it’s because it’s the Winter Solstice! In this episode, we look at the cultural and spiritual significance of the Winter Solstice. We explore how this celestial event impacts our energy and alignment. It's truly a magical time of year, and we can't wait to share our insights with you. Molly's diving into how traditional Chinese medicine and the five element theory see winter – think yin energy, water...
Published 12/12/23
Dive deep into the eye opening 3-part Netflix documentary, "Escaping Twin Flames," where the veil is lifted on the manipulative practices of two self-proclaimed "spiritual" leaders. Offering vulnerable love seekers the elusive promise of finding their "one, true twin flame" through an exclusive online university—with a hefty price tag attached. Disclaimer: Our discussion touches on sensitive topics, including abuse and manipulation, in the context of the "Escaping Twin Flames"...
Published 12/05/23
Whether you want to use spell jars for manifestation, protection, or simply adding more magic to your life – in this episode we’ll walk you through each step of making your spell jar (BTW– it’s WAYYY easier than you might think!) If you've ever been intrigued by witchy spell jars but felt unsure about how you choose what to put in, how to use it and what to do with it when it’s ‘finished’, this episode is your guide. By the end, you'll not only understand how spell jars work but also be...
Published 11/28/23
It’s been 6 months of Demystify Magic - can you believe it? Today we’re going through some of YOUR questions.  We’re diving into how to start communicating with spirit guides and ancestors, the difference between tarot and oracle decks and our tips for beginners. Plus we discuss the different kinds of witches and find out why Madison and her mom chose to identify as hedge witches! And, of course, a bunch more interesting questions.  Curious about what else made it to our Q&A episode?...
Published 11/21/23
Protection rituals aren’t just for when something or someone is coming after you, they can be for protecting your energy, staying in your power and setting boundaries. Today we share lots of different low effort rituals that can help you with protection magic and Madison is so excited to share what she does as this is one of her favorites.  From quick rituals to small changes you can make to your daily routine, we've got you covered. Tune in for our low effort rituals that'll make you...
Published 11/14/23
Do you sometimes overthink your intentions in your spiritual practice? Well, today we’re going to answer some of your most popular questions when it comes to intention setting. From why do we set intentions to how do you do it, we explore all angles of intention setting plus we debunk some myths around the negative impacts of intrusive thoughts when setting an intention.  Plus we go into the science behind intentions, as Molly shares some studies to show the impact of intentions and how it...
Published 11/07/23
Feeling curious about the upcoming energy forecast? Well, today we’ve decided to break down what’s coming up, and also reflect on the current Eclipse season. In this episode, we share some Eclipse season tips and debunk common myths so that you’re a little more prepared next time.  Madison also talks us through Samhain, an ancient Gaelic holiday when the boundary between our world and the spirit realm gets really thin. She shares some ideas on how to pay respects to your ancestors and...
Published 10/31/23
Have you ever wondered about the magical properties of crystals? In this episode, we have a special guest, the renowned crystal healer and author, Krista Mitchell. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of crystals and explore Krista's personal experiences and insights. Krista takes us on a fascinating journey, sharing how she went from being a mystic child to becoming a full-time crystal healer. She emphasizes the importance of intuition and resonance when it comes to choosing...
Published 10/24/23
How do you use crystals in your life? In this episode we take you through the practical aspects of crystals, sharing personal stories and experiences on how we do and don't use them. From the practical applications of crystal grids to the role of crystals in spell work, we guide you through different ways to harness their energy. We passionately advocate for listening to your inner guidance when working with crystals and that your instincts are a valuable tool for selecting, connecting with,...
Published 10/23/23
In this first episode of our 3 part crystal series, we delve into why we work with crystals, how they work, how you choose the so-called perfect crystal, and what you have to do with them before you start working with them.  We understand there is an overwhelming amount of information online about crystals, and so we’ve decided to share how you can learn more about using crystals through your intuition, instead of reading a book or deciding which crystal is for you from the little info...
Published 10/10/23
Think spiritual cleansing has to be a grand, elaborate ritual? Well, we're here to set the record straight in this episode. We break down the misconception and share simpler, everyday ways to cleanse and rejuvenate your spirit. From quick rituals to tiny tweaks in your daily routine, we've got you covered. Tune in for our low effort rituals that'll make you rethink spiritual cleansing for good! Magical Links & Resources: 🔮 Join the waitlist for Reiki 1: The Science of Self-Healing:...
Published 10/03/23
In this episode, we delve into the world of ethically sourced crystals, uncovering the truth behind what it means to purchase crystals ethically from the perspective of a crystal consumer and a crystal supplier. Join us as we explore how to distinguish genuine ethical practices from marketing tactics, offering insights on how to find shops that align with your values and what it’s really like to stock a crystal shop with gems and minerals from all over the world. Tune in to gain a deeper...
Published 09/26/23
We’re switching it up this week and gifting you an experiential episode! Join us for a collective tarot reading & meditation: discover the lessons and guidance you need to hear as we move into this new season and come into balance with a simple loving kindness meditation. You can totally do this meditation while walking/driving/multi-tasking but you mayyyy also want to revisit it when you’re able to be still and focused. Enjoy! Magical Links & Resources: 🍁 Join the Autumn Equinox...
Published 09/19/23
Get ready to geek out about the Fall Equinox with us! We'll uncover its magical significance through two fascinating lenses: the Pagan Wheel of the Year and the timeless wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine's 5 Element Theory. Discover how aligning with the Autumn season can uplift your mind, body, and soul! We've got you covered with low effort tips to embrace the equinox’s energy and celebrate Mabon, along with valuable insights on boosting your overall well-being this fall. Make sure...
Published 09/12/23
Are you curious about the mystical world of sigil magic but want to understand it from a scientific perspective? In this episode, we dive deep into the heart of sigils, unraveling the science behind how sigils work, and how to make one for your own spiritual practice. Whether you want to use sigils for manifestation, protection, or simply adding more magic to your daily routines– we’ll walk you through each step of making your sigil (BTW– it’s WAYYY easier than you might think!) If you've...
Published 09/05/23
Today we’re answering YOUR questions submitted on instagram! We’re diving into how to create and maintain a money bowl, what color magic is, how to get started with Reiki, conspiracy theories, our first spiritual experiences, and more!  Magical Links & Resources: 🔮 Join Reiki 1: The Science of Self-Healing: https://www.mollydonlan.com/reiki1  🔮 Download the FREE Manifest with Reiki Ritual: https://www.mollydonlan.com/manifestwithreiki 🔮 Shop magical tools to enhance your practice,...
Published 08/29/23
In this episode, we're diving into the power of having a low effort witchy evening ritual. Join us as we reveal uncomplicated yet potent spiritual practices that demand minimal resources and time yet have a profound impact on your overall well-being and manifestations! Tune in to reconnect with your spiritual practice and add more magic to your evening wind-down routine. Magical Links & Resources: 🔮 Join Reiki 1: The Science of Self-Healing: https://www.mollydonlan.com/reiki1  🔮...
Published 08/22/23
In this episode, we delve into the world of altars for your spiritual practice, whether you're working with a tiny space and low energy, or going all out with a grand magical setup. Discover the art of curating your spiritual haven, no matter the size or effort. Unearth the magic behind small, low-effort pocket altars that infuse daily routines with intention, and learn how even the tiniest setups can amplify energy. Journey onward to explore the grandeur of intricate altars, where plants,...
Published 08/15/23
Join us as we delve into the art of handling skeptics when it comes to magical and spiritual practices. Whether it's your closest friends or curious strangers, we've got you covered with practical tips to gracefully address doubts and misconceptions. Discover empowering ways to communicate your beliefs, share personal experiences, and foster understanding, all while staying grounded and true to your magical journey. Tune in to gain insights that will help you bridge the gap between...
Published 08/08/23
In this episode, we're diving into the power of having a low effort witchy morning ritual. We’re sharings ways you can add intention and magic into your morning with little to no tools, and little to no time. These are simple and effective spiritual rituals that anyone can do that have a massive impact on the way you feel throughout your day! So tune in to this episode to reconnect with your spiritual practice and discover how to elevate your mornings from mundane to mystical. Magical Links...
Published 08/01/23
Welcome to the final installation of our series on awakening your intuition! In this episode, we'll be shining a spotlight on the lesser-known clairsenses: clairgustance (clear tasting), clairtangency (clear touching), and clairempathy (clear emotions). Intuition has an incredible way of expressing itself through our senses, and these often overlooked clairsenses hold immense power and wisdom. Get ready to embark on a journey that will awaken your taste buds to divine flavors, ignite your...
Published 07/25/23
Welcome to the highly anticipated continuation of our series on awakening your intuition! In this episode, we shift our focus towards unveiling the psychic senses of clairvoyance (clear seeing) and clairaudience (clear hearing). Now, we know that sometimes doubts can creep in, making you feel like you're not "intuitive enough." But trust us, that's just a myth waiting to be busted! Intuition is as unique as you are, and we can't wait to show you more incredible ways it can manifest in your...
Published 07/18/23
If you've ever doubted your intuition, feeling like you're "not intuitive enough," it's simply because no one has revealed the diverse ways intuition can manifest uniquely within you. In this eye-opening episode, we debunk the myth that intuition is a one-size-fits-all experience and dive into two forms of intuition: claircognizance (clear knowing) and clairsentience (clear feeling). From tingling sensations to lightning-fast downloads of divine wisdom, we explore both the magical and...
Published 07/11/23
Continue honing your intuition and quieting your anxiety in the second episode of our five part series dedicated to strengthening your inner wisdom and finding calm! Today we’re diving into the evolutionary purpose of anxiety and geeking out about the science of intuition.  Discover how the vagus nerve acts as a bridge between anxiety & intuition and how you can strengthen your vagus nerve to quiet your worried mind. We’ll share practical techniques like breath work, Reiki, and...
Published 07/04/23