Today we are joined by the multi-talented Nick Mohammed, known for his roles as Nate on "Ted Lasso" and the ever-hilarious Mr. Swallow. Nick takes us on a magical ride through his fascinating career, sharing personal anecdotes and the unique approach he takes to comedy and magic. From captivating memory feats on "Cats Does Countdown" to the masterful blending of humour and apparent mishaps in his routines, Nick reveals the artistry behind his performances and his journey within the world of c...
This week we welcome Collin Claus, a virtuoso in the realm of Rubik's Cube illusions and a key collaborator with the legendary Marc Spelmann. Collin shares some remarkable magical stories, such as a memorable drawing duplication trick in Bristol and a hilariously unforgettable ring-in-sock...
Published 11/22/24
Can a hobbyist magician captivate an audience like a seasoned pro? David Ellis is about to find out as he soon steps into the spotlight at his workplace Christmas party. In this episode, David, a passionate enthusiast of close-up magic, shares his journey and preparation for the big day. From his...
Published 11/18/24