In this eye-opening episode, we delve into the important discussion surrounding media misrepresentation and technology's role in facilitating gender-based violence. Explore how harmful stereotypes and messaging perpetuated by the media can lead to real-world harm, as well as how advancements in technology have created new avenues for abuse. Join us as we uncover the intersection of misogyny, technology, and societal attitudes towards gender, and learn how we can work towards a more equitable future for all.
Join us as Sekione takes us on a journey through the analog era, reflecting on the charm and challenges of traditional media and how it paved the way for today's digital landscape.
We'll explore the impact of digital innovation on media, the changing dynamics of audience engagement, and what...
Published 10/01/24
Gain a comprehensive understanding of digital threats and technology-facilitated gender-based violence in today's media landscape. Explore the ethical dilemmas surrounding media literacy and learn effective strategies for navigating these challenges. This episode provides valuable insights,...
Published 09/15/24