Bryan Windle from the Bible Archaeology Report joins Henry to discuss his top ten list of discoveries that are related to Moses and the Exodus. Top 10 Discoveries Related to Moses and the Exodus - Bible Archaeology Report
Published 09/09/23
The resurrection is the defining historical event related to Christianity, so how can you have a discussion with someone about that? Ted Wright from Epic Archaeology joins Henry in a discussion about apologetics, and tools to help give a reason for the faith in Jesus. Ted lays out four questions to help when discussing: Does truth exist? Does God exist? Are miracles possible? and is the New Testament reliable? If the answer is yea to all four, then that is pretty solid logic to be standing...
Published 08/26/23
Controversial topic alert! Henry Smith has been working on ABR's Genesis 5 & 11 Chronology Project, which has a main goal of determining if Genesis 5 and 11, and other directly relevant biblical texts, can result in a calculable chronology of human history from Adam to Abraham. But in studying the source material in different Biblical manuscripts, these numbers in the Genesis 5 & 11 genealogies don't match between the Masoretic Text, the Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch. So...
Published 08/12/23
Why is the Bible composed of the current 66 books instead of others? Why are there so many translations? And what is canon anyway? Henry Smith talks with Dr John Meade about these questions and his book that he co-authored with Dr. Peter Gurry called Scribes & Scripture: The Amazing Story of How We Got the Bible.   Scribes & Scripture - buy link
Published 07/29/23
How does day-to-day archaeology work? Bryan Windle got to dig for the first time at the ancient city of Shiloh in Israel, and talks about his experience, how the archaeological process works, and some of the small discoveries that were made while he was there at the dig site.   DigShiloh.org
Published 07/15/23
How old is the Earth? 4.5 billion years? or more like thousands of years... Geologists Dr. Andrew Snelling discusses how scientists use radiometric dating and carbon-14 dating to determine the ages of things, and the assumptions that are used in those scientific calculations.    Does Radioisotope Dating Prove that the Earth is Old? - Is Genesis History How Can Carbon-14 Be Evidence for a Young Earth? - Is Genesis History  
Published 07/01/23
Bryan Windle joins Henry Smith to discuss his list of the top ten archaeological finds relating to the New Testament.    Top Ten Discoveries Relating to the New Testament - Bible Archaeology Report
Published 06/17/23
Does the Bible condone slavery? Dr. Josh Kline joins to discuss the background and historical nuance in the Bible and other cultures around the world. And spoiler alert, everyone agrees that slavery is wrong. 
Published 06/03/23
Henry Smith, Scott Lanser, and archeologist Dr. Scott Stripling have a round table discussion on ABR's most important artifiact ever found, an ancient curse tablet found on Mt Ebal in an altar that dates back to the time of Joshua. They talk about the Biblical context, wet sifting technology, analysis of the proto-alphabetic writing on the inside of the tablet, and how that writing on the inside is now the oldest Hebrew text ever found in Israel, and its implications.    You are Cursed by...
Published 05/20/23
Henry talks with Archaeologist Dr. Titus Kennedy about his book Unearthing the Bible: 101 Archaeological Discoveries That Bring the Bible to Life. Don't worry, we don't talk about all 101 things, but just a few highlights.  Dr. Titus Kennedy Bio Unearthing the Bible - Purchase link
Published 05/06/23
The Old Testament was written thousands of years ago, and then was copied, re-copied, translated and even updated or modernized for the times. How did that all work? Dr Peter Gentry, a fellow wth the Text and Canon Institute discusses a whole bunch of questions related to the history of scriptural preservation.   textandcanon.org  
Published 04/22/23
There are lots of lists out there ranking the top archaeological discoveries. Pastor Bryan Windle brings his list of discoveries directly related to people, places and events in the Old Testament, or relating to the composition of the Old Testament itself.    Top 10 Discoveries Relating to the Old Testament - BibleArchaeologyReport.com
Published 04/08/23
The largest tel (or mound) in Israel is over 200 acres, and is the ruins of an ancient city that probably most people haven't heard of - Hazor. Henry Smith had a chance to be part of the excavation there and talks about his experience, and what makes Hazor an important historical site.  Hazor-Excavations.org  
Published 03/25/23
The story of Queen Esther taks place in Persia and is remembered every year in March during the Jewish holiday called Purim. Dr. Todd Bolen joins to discuss some the archaelogy of the Persian Empire that is related to Esther that he got to witness when he visited Iran.  Hammurabi Stele Xerxes (King Ahasuerus) - DFT TV Cyrus the Great - DFT TV
Published 03/11/23
Does the Bible condone Killing? Critics say that the Jews commited genocide in the Promised Land when the killed all the Canaanites. And what about Christian crusaders? Didn't they kill a lot of people during the Crusades in the name of God? And what about Islam? They have Jihads, holy wars, and kill in the name of Allah. Then Nazis killed millions of Jews in the name of no god, Atheism.  Dr Josh Kline joins Henry to discuss killing in the Bible, and throughout world history, with the...
Published 02/25/23
Did Jesus exist? Setting aside whether Jesus is the son of God and savior of the world for a moment, is there real evidence that he existed as a human in history? The short answer is yes, say historians, but there is a small movement out there that claims Jesus was a myth. Dr. Craig Evans refers to these people as mythicists, and talks with Henry Smith about what they claim, and the evidince against it.    craigaevans.com Earliest reference describes Christ as 'magician' - Magic Cup ...
Published 02/11/23
Morality… where does it come from? Where do good and evil come from? Do they come from God? Does God exist? Deep questions that shape our worldview, and the worldview of Western Civilization borrows heavily from the Judeo-Christian worldview. Henry Smith and Dr. Josh Kline discuss these and other questions related to morality. Dr. Kline is an educator, teacher of world history and western Civ, and is an elder at Grace Gospel Church in Allentown, PA.   Biblical Worldview: Meaning and...
Published 01/28/23
In the 1880s an archive of clay tablets was discovered in Amarna Egypt. These tablets contain interesting correspondence from the kings of Canaan that were paying tribute to the pharoah in Egypt, and they take place during the early time of when the Israelites were conquering the promised land. Henry Smith discusses the contents of these letters with Dr Scott Stripling, archaeoligist and director of excavations at the dig at Shiloh, Israel. And spoiler alert, Dr. Stripling has a new theory...
Published 01/14/23
Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, Mt. Sinai... Many have claimed to have found these things, but how can you know if they are right? Espcially if there are more than one location that has been found? And what about relics that have been found and are put on display in churches? Like pieces of the cross from Jesus' crusifixion, or the crown of thorns - You can see them, but are they the real thing? We discuss some of these claims and suggest caution when someone makes a claim that they have...
Published 12/31/22
Pastor Bryan Windle joins Henry Smith to talk about some of the archaeology of the Christmas story, related to King Herod and the town of Bethlehem.   Unearthing the Prophecy of Jesus' Birthplace - Joel Kramer The Christmas Story: How Well Do You Know It? - DFT TV The Archaeology of Christmas - Bible Archaeology Report For those interested in the Shiloh Excavation - DigShiloh.org
Published 12/17/22
Why are genealogies in the Bible? And why are the genealogies in Genesis so weird? People don't live that long, so they couldn't possibly be literal numbers, right? Henry Smith discusses a bunch of these questions from his many years of study of Biblical genealogy.    Genesis 5 & 11 Project Proposed Timeline of Earth's History according to Genesis (with Septuagint numbers) Primeval Chronology Restored
Published 12/10/22
The Grand Canyon in Arizona is a prime spot for geologists to research the layers of Earth's history. But if you're a Creationist, you might have a harder time getting permission to research there because your theroies don't conform to the mainstream thinking about how the world was formed, including ideas about a historical worldwide flood from the story of Noah's Ark.   Henry Smith chats with geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling from Answers in Genesis about his research in the Grand Canyon, and...
Published 11/26/22
Do fossils and skeletons from Earth's past disprove the origins of man that are described in the Bible? Are Neanderthals human? What about the skeleton named Lucy? Henry Smith explores these questions and the evidence with Dr. Todd Wood, biologist and president of the Core Academy of Science.   Let's Talk Creation Podcast Is Genesis History? - trailer Todd's Blog HumanGenesis.org - blog
Published 11/19/22
Who was Pharaoh during the Exodus? Was it Rameses? Or was it Amenhotep II? Henry Smith talks with egyptologist and biblical scholar Dr Doug Petrovich about these and other pharaohs that ruled during the centuries when the Israelites lived in Egypt.   Origin of the Hebrews - book Patterns of Evidence: Exodus - documentary   music in this episode is from The Ten Commandments soundtrack, composed by Elmer Bernstein
Published 11/12/22
Scott Lanser and Henry Smith continue their discussion of Joshua and the Israelites conquest of the promised land, and look more specifically at the city of Ai and some the discoveries that have been made through archaeology at that site.   Taking Down Goliath (looking at sling stones) - Digging for Truth TV Infant Burial Jar found DigShiloh.org The Khirbet el-Maqatir Excavations
Published 11/05/22