In this episode of Dirt Nap City, we dive into the enigma that is Andy Kaufman. This episode unravels the life and career of the comedic genius who blurred the lines between performance and reality. From his outrageous characters like Latka Gravas to his legendary wrestling battles with Jerry Lawler, we explore the tactics that made him a legend...and sometimes, a villain. Was he a brilliant provocateur or a hilarious troll? We separate fact from fiction, with a special guest, Jarret Berenste...
Dick Clark is often called "America's Oldest Teenager". He was an iconic figure of American television, who was more than just a handsome face. He was the architect of countless hit shows that shaped popular culture for decades. Join us as we delve into the life and legacy of this broadcasting...
Published 11/21/24
If you remember a time before downloadable or streaming music, you might remember the (seemingly) amazing offer that Columbia House offered - 12 CDs, Records, Cassettes, 8-Tracks, etc for one penny (later 1 dollar). This was an early subscription model of business that raked in the big bucks for...
Published 11/14/24