Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Moana is a sweeping, CG-animated comedy-adventure about a spirited teenager on an impossible mission to fulfill her ancestors’ quest. In the ancient South Pacific world of Oceania, Moana, a born navigator, sets sail in search of a fabled island. During her incredible journey, she teams up with her hero, the legendary demi-god Maui, to traverse the open ocean on an action-packed voyage. They encounter enormous sea creatures, breathtaking underworlds, and ancient folklore. Head over to Disney Story Central for more stories!
Rapunzel has spent her life locked in a tower, but that's not her only secret. Her long, golden hair has magical powers--all 70 feet of it! When the kingdom's most-wanted bandit unexpectedly stumbles into Rapunzel's tower, the pair embark on a fantastic journey that will uncover more than they...
Published 04/03/17
Mowgli is a little boy who has grown up in the jungle. Then one day the tiger Shere Khan returns, and Mowgli is no longer safe. Follow Mowgli's adventures from the classic Disney film! Head over to Disney Story Central for more stories!
Published 03/27/17
When a selfish prince is cursed to live as a hideous beast, he begins to lose hope for himself and his enchanted staff. That is, until Belle, a smart, brave young woman with a caring heart, enters their lives. Head over to Disney Story Central for more stories!
Published 03/20/17