At 18, Caitlin experienced a painful rejection in the final casting round of the hit show ‘America’s Next Top Model,’ when she was told she needed to “work on her body.” That disturbing comment impacted Caitlin over the next decade as she struggled with body image, dysmorphia, and binge and restrict eating while continuing to work as a professional model. At 27, feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in her modeling career, she decided to go back to school and pursue a career in health and nutrition, and today at 28, she holds certifications from the IIN Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Precision Nutrition, ACE Fitness, and is the founder of a successful health coaching business. In this episode, we talk about pivoting, healthy exercise, and food practices and more. We talk about her relationship with James Maslow from Big Time Rush, and how she navigates her relationship in the spotlight.