Ed had a passion for family genealogical research. He wanted to know everything about his family. When his father took a DNA test, a new mystery presented itself, and his passion for family research became genetic genealogy. Being quite the sleuth, Ed was able to identify his father's biological dad, and this new family welcomed both Ed and his dad into their clan.
Published 01/25/22
Brandy learned at a young age her dad wasn't her dad, and that the mystery man in a vacation photo was her biological dad. She struggled to identify the man, but with lots of help and perseverance, she now knows his name and connected with a sister.
Published 10/05/21
In fifth grade, Peter had an unusual encounter at school and wondered who a mysterious family member was. Years later, he would discover family on his dad's biological side. His ancestry search took him even further to find a relative no one knew about. This is Peter's DNA Discovery story of finding family.
Published 09/21/21
Kristi knew she was adopted and wanted to search for her birth parents. Her test yielded results which helped her find additional blessings along the way. Kristi shares the ups and downs of her search with us today.
Published 09/07/21
Have you discovered family through the DNA kits? Maybe it is time for you to share your story? DNA Discoveries is now recruiting new interviewees. Allow Edward Looney to help you tell your story with the rest of the world! Contact via [email protected] or via the Contact feature on dnadiscoveries.fireside.fm
Published 08/26/21
Nina Manzare was told at a young age that the man she called dad wasn't really her father. It wasn't until taking a DNA test that she confirmed that was true. Her search led her to discover half-siblings which paved the way to her becoming complete by finding her dad.
Published 08/23/20
Edward Looney interviews Chera who shares about her discovery of her half-sister and how they accidently surprised their biological father with the news on his birthday.
Published 08/17/20
Kenny was in his twenties and the first year of his marriage when after hearing a sermon at his church about family and identity that he knew he wanted to find his birth family. Little did he know that God already was working on the heart of his birth father. Kenny's story will fill the listener with wonder and awe.
Published 08/10/20
Penny Kinsey grew up as an only child until she discovered her biological father and his children. She shares her story of discovery and the relationships that have followed.
Published 08/04/20
Tiffany Dean was separated from her mother at the age of two and later in her life she learned the name of her mother. A few months ago she decided to search for her mom. This is the story of a mother-daughter reunion and what led to that life-changing moment.
Published 07/27/20
For most of her life, Annette Broussard Boyd called one man dad. Until they both did an ancestry test and she discovered she was not listed as his daughter. This led to a search for her biological father whom she discovered three years ago. In this episode of DNA Discoveries she outlines her search and story for the man she knows now to be her father.
Published 07/20/20
Edward Looney introduces a new podcast about finding family through the popular dna test kits and looks forward to the many stories that will be shared by his guests.
Published 07/18/20