Since 1996, the Addax and Oryx Foundation, an independent Swiss non-profit foundation, has been supporting projects run by non-profit organisations, with the aim of helping poor communities in Africa and the Middle East to sustainably rise out of poverty. They focus on four core areas - health, education, community development, and the environment - believing that a holistic approach is essential to sustainable development.
In this episode, Belinda Hall, Managing Director, tells us more about a recent shift operated by the Addax & Oryx Foundation: the decision to support smaller and local organizations based in Africa or in the Middle East. You will thus learn:
What are the advantages of working with local organizations in the field?
How can donors help building the capacities of smaller organizations?
What are the essential elements non-profits should pay attention to when submitting a request?
Belinda has at heart to share her expertise and support organizations in any way she can, and we all benefit from it!
For more information about the Addax & Oryx Foundation, visit:
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