Cait Scudder, also known as the Millionaire Mother, is a successful entrepreneur and mother of two. Currently in her third pregnancy, she joins us today to share her story of transformation from resistance to surrender in birth and in life. She describes her traumatic first birth resulting in a third-degree tear and bladder prolapse and the way she was robbed of her power through hospital policy, despite still achieving an unmedicated, vaginal birth. After going deep into somatic and physical healing modalities between her first and second pregnancies, she chose home birth, giving birth in the water to a ten-pound fifteen-ounce boy without tearing or trauma. It was this experience of birthing in her absolute inherent power that transformed her, and Cait is certain the experience is precisely what immediately propelled her business to the next level.
The Millionaire Mother on Instagram
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Postpartum Soothe -- Herbs and padsicles to heal and comfort.
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