Have you ever wondered why we actually need to get a pap smear or why the testing guidelines frequently change? The presence of HPV or the Human Papilloma Virus is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer and is the reason behind the pap smear. A pap smear looks at the health of the cells in our cervix and the presence of HPV. When abnormal cells are found, it is usually recommended that we have those cells removed at the risk of the functionality of our cervix.
In this eye-opening conversation with Nathan Riley, MD, we learn the statistics around actually developing cervical cancer even with an abnormal pap smear, the risks versus benefits of the Gardasil vaccine, and the long-term consequences of cervical procedures, particularly as it relates to a woman's birth experience. Nathan encourages us to think about the HPV virus as we would any virus that we come into contact with in our environment. It's not the virus that we should fear, but rather the response of our immune systems, which can be influenced by modifiable risk factors. If you are due for your pap or have an abnormal result, be sure to listen to this episode.
Nathan Riley MD
Beloved Holistics
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