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Title: Blockchain
Subtitle: Programming and Technology Guide 2 in 1
Author: Charles Jensen
Narrator: Dave Wright
Format: Unabridged
Length: 2 hrs and 11 mins
Language: English
Release date: 09-05-17
Publisher: Charles Jensen
Ratings: 5 of 5 out of 25 votes
Genres: Business, Personal Finance & Investing
Publisher's Summary:
A bundle of two audiobooks about blockchain.
Audiobook 1: Blockchain is an often misunderstood technology. It has been a hype, a thing in the past, and many people are talking about it. But what is it? How do you use it? What consequences does it have? All of these questions and more will be answered in this audiobook. The expert/author wrote, among others:
Audiobook 2: The more sophisticated specifics of blockchain programming will be discussed in this audiobook. You will listen to things you might not have encountered yet and expand your knowledge about this popular way of using software and ethereum to achieve monetary and accuracy purposes. You will listen to, among others: