“These guys have a genuine motivation to understand, and indeed, delve deep, into the Tolkien legendarium. And they do so with an understated humility and respect for both the written lore and the RoP. But the entertaining dichotomy that they bring to their pod, is the genuine irreverent mirth that they express in their exploration of the subject material. They are a *very* funny pair of friends, who quite naturally bring some much needed and refreshing humour to the Tolkien world. And best part of that, is that they aren’t actively trying to be funny, (because, let’s face it; anyone who actually tries to be funny, ultimately ends up being the exact opposite of that) they are just being themselves, and from that unpretentious and emotionally honest place, they have produced a highly entertaining pod that has very quickly become one of my favourites. Thank you for the laughs!”
TJLBX3 via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·