Everyone who Echo didn't mean to strike is falling down with each reveal Echobox brings. She wanted to bring Olympus Records down, but not like this. She can't help but wonder: is this her fault? //
Echobox is GOSSIP GIRL meets GREEK MYTHLOGY in L.A. Echobox is a LGBTQ+ retelling of the greek myths in the world of celebrities, guided by the voice of Echo. It is a fictional retelling of ancient Greek myths. There are countless versions of these stories, with just as many cultural and linguistic nuances. For the sake of storytelling and adaptation, we’ve taken creative liberties and added our own flair to many of the stories. The stories and characters of Echobox are by no means the only versions nor should they be taken as the ‘correct’ ones. Neither should they be taken as an accurate representation of who these deities were and are to their worshippers. Thank you for your help in remaining respectful to deities and practitioners! // Today’s episode features content warnings for mentions of suicide attempt, homophobia and drug abuse. // Echobox is written and produced by the Echobox Podcast Team. This episode stars, in order of appearance, Isabella Sales as Alex/Echo and Emma K. Blakeslee as Achilles. It was written by Sebastián Ponsa Nazario. Audio and sound design by Corienne Swanson, Meg McKellar and Marianna Marcon. Logo design by Lucas Eduardo Bueno and website by Andy Cerdan. // Transcripts for this episode and others can be found on our website by transcriber Maxwell Caetano. Our website also has additional in-universe content and ways to get in contact with us. Visit echoboxpod dot net or check the show notes for a link. // The music we used today was Ethernight Club and Magic Scout Cottages by Kevin McLeod, licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 from // Echobox is created out of love for storytelling and provided at no profit to us. Your feedback is our reward! Reach out on our website or find us as echoboxpod across social media. // If you liked the episode, let us know and share with a friend! You can also drop us a review at Apple Podcasts to help us grow. We would love to hear your thoughts on it. // Thank you for listening. Until next time, dear listeners.
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