In this *inaugural* episode of Elements of Entrepreneurship, I dive deeeeep into the eras that have shaped who I am today (a business coach for the healers of the world & a lover of nature, wellness and entrepreneurship).
Sneak peek into what's waiting for you once you hit *play*:
Era One: Inception - 17. Yeah we went there!
Era Two: University (mainly highlighting my internship experiences in the *corporate world*)
Era Three: Travel Era baby! Southeast Asia! New Zealand! Australia! The discovery of my passion for the travel industry and my desire to blend it with my business background. đź‘€
Era Four: FML Adventures... my entry into the world of entrepreneurship and the launching of Canada's first cross-Canada adventure company (sooooooo much to dive into here)
Era Five: Health & Wellness Era, aka hitting my health rock bottom and discovering the magical world of holistic healing.
Era Six: Transitional Era. Who am I without FML Adventures? (spoiler alert: I close down FML! Gah!) The era of following my passions outside of the travel industry.
Era Seven: We made it! The end of my beginning. Business coaching for health & wellness entrepreneurs.
FML Adventures Documentary I received the day after making the decision to close down FML.
Book a free discovery call ... I didn't mention this in *this* episode but my doors are always open for YOU.
Join our next free monthly business coaching call, happening Tuesday, December 3rd @ 9am PST / 12pm EST.
Let's be friends on IG, @lisakurolap and let me know what you thought of the first episode!
Is this where I kindly ask that you rate & review this podcast?! I'm new to this but I imagine that would be the play....
With love and light,
Your (future) business coach,
LK 🌝