If your drawn to this episode then it's safe to say your destiny probably matters a lot to you. It's probably become an uncontrollable pull.  But, do you know exactly how your destiny works? Like, can you fall behind on it? What things do you have control over? What can you trust in the process to be a guarantee? In episode 58 we talked about what a Soul Path is. Now it's time to talk about how it works and what is and isn't in our control with regard to it.  In this episode we are going...
Published 04/22/24
What would your life look like if you never had to worry about another next step or ponder something that happened in your past? How many hours would you estimate you spent in either of these states of worry? 82% of the population typically spends 8.5 hours of their day in these states. 82% of the population! What do you think that does to your Creator Field? Just talking about the Spiritual Energetic Law of Focus, you are going to make sure that tomorrow is going to greatly increase the...
Published 04/15/24
If you never had another confirmation of being special in your life again what would happen to your image of self? If you were to ask Source what should happen, you would hear that it should have zero effect on how you know yourself to be. So, how would one go about doing this? Well, to fix something we don't understand how it happened is always a daunting task. But if we know all the things that caused us to end up this way, we could reverse engineer them. Not only that but we could...
Published 04/08/24
It's undeniable that AI is going to change our lives. But humanity is split at the moment on whether it is going to be good change or bad change. In order to decide that we have to understand the bigger picture of it and how it correlates to our Soul Paths. Because it does. In this episode, we are going to explore AI from the Source understanding. This is an episode that you won't want to miss. We are going to talk about why people have cravings for AI, and before it, the internet and what it...
Published 04/01/24
Your Soul Path might be the Greatest part of your physical life. No, it definitely is. What prevents 99% of spiritual beings from connecting with theirs? Is being thrown off path something that can be prevented? The answers to this and so much more can only be found in the highest frequency information that comes from Source. If you want to massively improve your chances of attaining your Soul Path in this lifetime then, you need this Source information. This is going to be another Life...
Published 03/25/24
What if you could alter any part of your body? Whether it was for sickness and disease or to gain advantages to help you fulfill your Soul Path more effectively? And what if it could be done in a way similar to how Source creates in our universe? Would I have your attention? Prepare to have your mind blown and unbelievable possibilities with your physical body realized. Today we are going to discuss a process that Guided Light Healing has pioneered known as Energetic Plastic Surgery. Wholly...
Published 03/18/24
What if everything we knew about aging was wrong? What would you do if you could tap into your youth again and heal your body permanently. You won't wan't to miss this episode and everything Source has to teach us about aging. Coming soon...
Published 03/11/24
Today it is easier than ever before, to change your physical body.  For people who feel like there are specific parts of their bodies they dislike or even those wanting an entirely new body, there are now options to change it through modern surgery.  We now live in an unbelievable time where technology has the capability to alter and enhance our lives. With so many people electing to go this modern surgery route, why is it that the majority end up with more reflective lives after getting the...
Published 03/04/24
Brilliance and true knowledge are not attained by the current system of learning that we have been taught. Find out how the world has kept you from reaching your genius potentials and why conscious expansion is done wrong. This is going to change everything for you. In This Episode: Coming Soon... If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to www.guidedlighthealing.com and check out all of our amazing free...
Published 02/27/24
Seeking validation from the outside to fill a missing piece in your life is only going to keep you in that cycle. It's time for the Source truth on what truly overcoming your recurring soul lesson really looks like and the Spiritual Energetic Scientific Laws that will make it all possible. More Soon... If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to www.guidedlighthealing.com and check out all of our amazing free...
Published 02/19/24
Mastering communication would be the closest thing to having a superpower. With it, the whole world opens up to you.  Unfortunately, most people have a different experience with communicating with people than Source intended. It's impossible to connect when we most want to. We get doubt when what we need is commitment and certainty from others. Our fears get thrown back at us during moments of sharing our ideas.  Fortunately, how we have been taught to communicate, isn't Source's way. In...
Published 02/12/24
You probably understand fair exchange as nothing more than an state of balanced trade. It goes so far beyond that though. Fair Exchange is a remarkable high-frequency Scientific Energetic law of this universe that can change everything in your life in an instant. It can achieve this due to its profound effect on your Creator Field. With this law we can transform our health, wealth, relationships, and so much more.  Fair exchange is also one of the major keys to achieving a high-frequency...
Published 02/05/24
Coming Soon... In this episode we cover: If it's possible to have spiritual growth and an easy life.What exactly happens to our creator field and sensitivity as our consciousness grows. Why overwhelm and spiritual growth seems to go hand-in-hand.How spiritual growth has been a double-edged sword.The relationship between emotions and Soul Balance.The science of what happens to us around people in negative states.What is happening to high-conscious spiritual beings in today's chaotic world.How...
Published 01/29/24
Like it or not Demons are a part of our Realm. Being told to Ignore them has cost us our Energies, Health, Positive Actions, Success, the possibility of incredible relationships and so much more. Being told that God can remove those beings from us is one of the greatest mistruths designed to keep us powerless.  It's time we all regained our Source Given Power. It's time to learn the Truth about Second Realm beings and how they really affect our lives from Source. This information is going to...
Published 01/22/24
Coming Soon... In this episode we cover: All the Source facts we need to know about social media.If social media is a high or low-frequency part of our lives.If social media is costing us anything on a soul level.What you need to understand about social media in your kid's hands.How to help your kids in regards to social media.How social media affects our brains.How social media affects our choices and cravings.Where your choices and decisions in life are really coming from.How we should be...
Published 01/15/24
In This Episode we cover: How our brains and bodies are hardwired to physically avoid negatives in life.Understanding how we work so that we can make our lives better.What our current processes for handling negative situations does to our lives, bodies, and Creator Fields.Why the advice we have gotten from the Spiritual world is so problematic.How our body's design makes it almost impossible to heal traumas.Why our brains process trauma in our sleep.Breakthrough understandings about our...
Published 01/08/24
Coming Soon... We'll cover: How we got all wrong about manifesting. The big question answered - why others can manifest what they want but I fall short. How it was with scientifically, precise, intuition that we were able to the real causes of manifestation.Why we are just getting this information about manifestation now for the first time.You were never broken just misled by low conscious understandings. How cutting-edge intuition goes far beyond psychedelic drugs.What people are actually...
Published 01/01/24
Coming Soon... You'll learn: What the spiritual world can not give you. Shattering the misinformation. The big misconceptions we were all sold on by the spiritual world. The role feelings played in the information that became "fact" in the spiritual world.The spiritual world's ability to change outside circumstances.Specific things you have been told that are attainable by being spiritual but actually are not. Make sure you are sitting down...The three catagories you should be using to have...
Published 12/25/23
Coming Soon...
Published 12/04/23
Investing is a word that when it gets thrown around it tends to cause a lot of negative emotional reactions. From feeling insecure to irresponsible to uneducated or bad with decisions, these are just a few of the many reactions this word evokes in people. Investing is also associated with a promise to a better future, safety, importance and responsibility, which raises the question: why is it then that so many experience those negative reactions when they hear the word investing more often...
Published 11/27/23
We are told it's human to have regrets from our pasts. That because those things are in the past, all we need to do is look forward and we won't be bothered by them. But this is scientifically false. Our pasts are actually blocking the most important parts of the things we wish to make happen now. So just focusing on today guarantees we will continue to be blocked tomorrow until we address it. Healing the past is way more in-depth than what we understand. Our pasts are affecting our health....
Published 11/20/23
One of the best things about getting started in the spiritual world is how quickly things change in our world with a few simple, new tools.  Then all of a sudden things feel like they start to slow down a bit. Obstacles increase. The new tools we gained don’t seem have the same oomf that it did at the beginning. Something just doesn’t seem right anymore.  What typically happens after is something similar to the following… “Did I do something wrong? Am I not good enough with these tools? Am I...
Published 11/13/23
Do you remember when you first got into the Spiritual world?  How for that first year or so, everything you did seemed to have magic in it? And things seemed to happen so fast? As a result, you invested. You put in your time. You happily learned the more advanced parts of it and then one day it seemed like it made everything worse.  Like all your advanced, incredible knowledge was somehow hurting you. Like all of a sudden life was now better before you got into the spiritual world.  Not...
Published 11/06/23
What do you do when someone treats you in a way that you don’t want or deserve to be treated? You probably choose one of the two following options right? You can meet them with an opposing force or you just let it go. But how well does this method work out in long-term relationships? Especially relationships that have years under them.  Like changing the opinion of a family member’s mind like a parent or a boss at work.  In those situations, we are constantly told there is nothing we can...
Published 10/30/23
Why is it that every person who commits to a Spiritual journey starts to feel so isolated from those in their community? Why do they receive so much resistance? And why do others insinuate that you joined a cult?  You will never guess why all this happens. Not only is it planned but, it’s also our fastest path the true fulfillment and an incredible connection to Source.  In this episode, we are going to help you feel more whole than you have in the past. And more importantly, sure you are...
Published 10/23/23