“I began listening to this podcast a year ago. I grew up in church and have always had a solid faith in God, however I have never had the gospel presented to me in quite this way. Pastor Steven incorporates real life stories, humor and the Bible effortlessly to present the Word of God in a relatable and “real life” way.
Personally Pastor Steven has literally saved me from one of the most difficult seasons in my life. God has spoken to me and answered questions and prayers through his words on multiple occasions in various sermons and I am so grateful and blessed to be able to listen to him. I thank God for him and pray for him daily and I cannot highly enough recommend this podcast or these sermons. They are truly life changing and life saving.
The most recent sermon Just the Two of Us literally spoke to my soul. It was as if he wrote it for me and it was like God spoke to me so specifically that it was almost scary. I know what I have to do now- thank you and God bless you.
Thank you Pastor Steven!
Stacey Venneman”
smly25@yahoo via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·