#227: What’s in the Conservative Manifesto For Worker's Employment Rights? Let’s Take a Deep Dive Into What’s On Offer!
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Hi thereThis week we look at what’s in the Conservative election manifesto for employees… which might be one of the proposals that encourages you to put your x in a particular slot. It's our view, that the more you are able to acquaint yourself with your employment rights in this area, the more your rights will act as an early warning system, which you can use to spot bad treatment or illegal treatment that you may be suffering at work. If you need help to formulate your complaint ...
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Hi ThereIn this week’s second podcast episode about race discrimination at work, we’re going to look at how you recognise the signs of race discrimination and what you your employer should be doing to increase your protection at work. We also take a look at actions you can take to protect...
Published 06/20/24
Hi thereThis week we’re looking at race discrimination in the workplace and the four key areas within which, acts of race discrimination against you could take place. In next week's episode we’ll look at how you recognise the signs of race discrimination at work and what your employer can do to...
Published 06/13/24