Steven Martyn, M.A. has spent over 30 years living co-creatively with the Earth, "where the Earth herself is our teacher, where we reside in the company of Gods and where we live surrounded by the reassurance of Her divinity, in all of Nature."  Steven is the co-founder of the Sacred Gardener School (link below) and is the author of three books, The Roundhouse: A Meditation and Guide to Building A Handmade House with Local Materials (2022), Sacred Gardening (2017) and The Story of the...
Published 07/26/23
Alexander Titov is a producer and founder of 108Records--Russia's first all mantra/all kirtan record label.  108Records honors these Ancient Vedic practices with a modern style that resonates with Western concert going audiences.  Indeed, it is Alexander's passion to bring this music which has transformed his life into traditional western music venues in Europe, Asia, and North America. For more information about 108Records, and their many programs, please see:  https://108records.com The...
Published 07/20/23
Brian James is a soul recovery guide, writer, musician and cultural activist.  He has published three books on yoga, psychedelics, shamanism and depth psychology; hosts a popular podcast called Howl in the Wilderness (formerly Medicine Path); and creates resources to support others on their journey of soul recovery. Brian regularly speaks on topics related to Soul Recovery including psychedelic integration, archetypal men's work and the intersection of depth psychology, yoga, and shamanism. ...
Published 07/08/23
Richard Kretz has worked in the telecommunications and IT industries both in the military and civilian world.  He is an acclaimed master naturalist, caver, and a member of the prestigious Explorer's Club.  In the 1970s, he studied transcendental meditation under Maharishi Yogi and later spent three years with a Native American Medicine Man.  He was raised to the degree of a Master Mason and has held many leadership roles as a Mason and within the Knights Templar.  In this podcast, we focus...
Published 06/19/23
Tenali Hrenak is a folklorist, ethnomusicologist, Sonic Fluffer and Auditory Vernacular of Curiosities at KVMR Public Radio with nationwide distribution.  Field Recording has been a prime passion of his many years, often using them to "decorate" his shows.  Tenali has devoted close to 23 years recording at Rainbow Gatherings in the United States, New Zealand, Mexico and Panama.   This podcast focuses on his new work Gathering Sounds--Field Recording with the Rainbow Family which is an...
Published 06/15/23
Chuck Hyde is the founder of the Boulder Light Club, a unique journey that combines Acoustic Resonance Therapy (ART) and Lucia No03 which is a Hypnagogic Embodied Meditation Light Experience.   In this podcast, as much as possible using words, Chuck walks us through the experience at the Light Club, then we explore other dimensions connecting with one of Chuck's favorite scientists of "Light"-- the enigmatic (and late) Dr. Walter Russell who Nikola Tesla famously told to "bury his findings...
Published 06/01/23
In 2016, Akash was connected to the essence of Guruji, the Avatar of Hinduism's Lord Shiva, in a formless relationship.  Guruji guided him to study A Course in Miracles which is dictated by Jesus.  This study lead to the existence of the book, Introducing You to Your Own Perfection, which is the subject of this podcast. Introducing You to Your Own Perfection was written under challenging circumstances.  It was if it came out of nowhere or now-here.  The book began during the Coronavirus...
Published 05/25/23
Nicholas Pearson has been involved in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for nearly three decades.   He is the award-winning author of seven books, including The Seven Archetypal Stones, Crystals for Karmic Healing, and Crystal Basics. Nicholas is among the foremost experts on crystals, combining his background in mineral science with his love of healing, spirituality, and folklore to illustrate how and why crystals can change our lives. This podcast will focus on his new work:  Crystal...
Published 05/19/23
Don Webb joined the Temple of Set in 1989, where he served as High Priest for 6 years as is recognized as an Ipsissimus.  The author of several books on Left-Hand Path practice and philosophy, including Energy Magick of the Vampyre, he lives in Austin, Texas. This podcast will focus on his wonderful new work: How to Become a Modern Magus:  A Manual for Magicians of all Schools.  In his work, Don lays out a detailed step-by-step program for building and sustaining a magical practice based not...
Published 05/11/23
Diego de Oxossi is a Chief of Kimbanda and Orishas Priest.  For more than 20 years he has been researching and presenting courses, lectures, and workshops on pagan and African-Brazilian religions.  He writes a weekly column at CoreSprit.com, is the publisher at Arole Cultural, and is the author of Traditional Brazilian Black Magic which was featured on End of the Road Episode 194.  This episode will focus on his wonderful new offering "African Gods Oracle" which is available from Rockpool. ...
Published 05/05/23
Joey Greenstone is a Wachumero (Wachuma/San Pedro Shaman) and founder of wachumAwaken, a Plant Medicine Healing and  Retreat service in the Sacred Valley of the Incas,  Peru.   In addition to guiding ceremonies, Joey provides  Consciousness Development Teaching, Plant Medicine Integration counseling and leads conscious tours to many of the sacred sites and places of power within Peru.    He has been working with plant spirit medicines since 2009, and is skilled at using song and sound...
Published 04/26/23
Piers Kaniuka is at the forefront of reimagining addiction, recovery and community.    He is the author of Real People, Real Recovery:  Overcoming Addiction in Modern America.  Piers is also the former chair of the department of Transpersonal Psychology at Burlington College and is a core faculty member in the Contemplative Spiritual Direction certificate program at the Alcyon Center in Seal Cove Maine.   For more information about Piers, his work and his podcast "Resistance Recovery,"...
Published 04/18/23
Kute Blackson is a transformational speaker and author of the nationally bestselling books You.Are.The.One and The Magic of Surrender, the latter being the subject of this podcast.  Kute has been featured on Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Dr. Drew and Inc. magazine calls him "The Mindfulness Guru Billionaires Go To for Advice."   Kute offers a fresh, bold look at spiritual awareness for a whole new generation.  Born in Ghana, West Africa, Kute's multicultural upbringing as the child of a a...
Published 04/06/23
Hamilton Souther is a traditionally trained Ayahuasca Shaman and founder of the Blue Morpho retreat center in Peru.  He is the author of The Mystical Secrets of Medicine vs. Sorcery: The Untold Story of Ayahuasca, Part 1; The Mystical Secrets of Ayahuasca Part 2; Journey of One:  Shifts in Consciousness--Insights from Shamanic Cermonies, and others.  He also is a serial entrepreneur founding FullStock and LiquidEarth technology platforms. For more information about Hamilton and Blue Morpho,...
Published 03/20/23
Angell is the founder of the Sanctuary Shamanic Healing Center and Founder and Executive Director at the New York Bee Sanctuary.  The Sanctuary touches over 50,000 people globally though nature based practices, meditation, sound and energy healing, ancient wisdom teachings, Native American connection, breathwork, permaculture training, herbalism, honey bees and pollinator observations, and organic and pesticide free land. Angell has worked with teachers in the Peru, Native American, and...
Published 03/09/23
Dr. Enna Reittort describes her journey as follows:  "After ten years in an esoteric caste-denying Indian subculture, I left my academic PhD behind to go barefoot as an aspiring peasant in the spirit of regenerative farming. Perhaps this is 'deep' anthropology rather than theoretical, and in apprenticeship to Nature, the greatest teacher whose language our subtle bodies can understand better than our restless minds."  Enna now lives at the edge of a village in rural Thailand. In this podcast...
Published 02/23/23
Ronnie Pontiac's American Metaphysical Religion is an in-depth exploration of four centuries of American occult and spiritual history, from colonial-era alchemists to 20th-century teachers.  Based on the latest research, Ronnie Pontiac shows how, from the very beginning, America was a vibrant blend of beliefs from all four corners of the world--from the indigenous peoples to colonial-era alchemists, astrologers, and early spiritual collectives to Edgar Cayce, the Hermetic Brotherhood of...
Published 02/17/23
Drake Eastburn is one of the leading authors and practitioners of contemporary hypnosis.  His many works include: What is Hypnosis? (2023); Activate Your Muse (2023); The Hypnotist's Bible (2022); The Therapeutic Hypnotist (2013); The Power of Suggestion (2013), The Power of the Past (2007), and others.  Drake is the official hypnotist with the U.S. Olympic Cycling Team, an adjunct faculty member of several hypnosis organizations, as well as Regis University and Colorado Free University.  He...
Published 02/09/23
Buki Fadipe is a Nigerian/British/Yoruba medicine woman, Decolonized Educator focused on Transformative and Healing Justice, and certified Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator. She currently facilitates Sacred Medicine Intensives, Psychedelic Education workshops and Integration Sessions under her platform @adventures.in.om She is the Lead Facilitator of the BIPOCS SPIRIT CIRCLE a psychedelic integration community with TAM integration and is a staff writer for Reality Sandwich.   This only...
Published 01/21/23
Originating in the Netherlands, the Ungoogleable Michaelangelo is a creator of cosmic, comedic, and contemplative content.  He is a multi-dimensional artist with a psychoactive personality.  Equipped with a quickSilver tongue and mercurial mind, he utilitzes pareidolia, wit, wordplay, and a 6th sense of humor to mindfully investigate where the limits of language meet the fringes of reality.  His work finds expression through visual art, written and spoken word, music, film and performance. ...
Published 01/16/23
Marlene Seven Bremner is an oil painter, writer, and teacher who has spent more than 20 years exploring esoteric and spiritual traditions, including Hermeticism, alchemy, surrealism, symbolism, tarot, psychology, magic, astrology, shamanism and mythology. In this podcast we will focus on her erudite new book Hermetic Philosophy and Creative Alchemy: The Emerald Tablet, The Corpus Hermeticum, and the Journey Through the Seven Spheres which is a profound synthesis of magical and occult...
Published 01/08/23
Charles Shaw is an author, filmmaker, journalist and activist who has gradually shifted the focus of his work into addiction and trauma recovery using holistic and entheogenic therapies. His many previous works are highlighted by Exile Nation (2012), which the Chicago Tribune called "an extraordinary work of spiritual journalism that grapples with the themes of drugs, prisons, politics, and spirituality though Shaw's personal story;" Release Us (2013); and Soldiers of the Vine (2017), a...
Published 12/29/22
Melinda Powell practiced as a psychotherapist for many years.  She now devotes her time to writing and teaching on dreams and lucid dreaming.  She co-founded the Dream Research Institute (DRI) in the UK (link) and served as the Vice President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) (link)  She is the author of The Hidden Lives of Dreams and Lucid Surrender:  The Alchemy of the Soul in Lucid Dreaming (2021), the latter being the focus of this podcast.  Her upcoming...
Published 12/20/22
Annie Browning LCSW, MDiv and Annmarie Early Ph.D are intuitive practitioners, psychotherapists, mystics and spiritual guides.  They have developed offerings calling us to live and work within a state of expanded awareness, including (but by no means limited to):  SPACES trainings, personal retreats, free sacred circles as well as static courses including Energetic Presence and Position.  The both provide Energetic Intuition Sessions and Annemarie also provides Energetic Herbalism Intakes by...
Published 12/10/22
Catherine Bell is a serial entrepreneur, business leader, public speaker, wife, and mother. Based on the best-selling book of the same name, Catherine is the founder of The Awakened Company, where she helps organizations develop culture strategies by igniting and sustaining the fires within those organizations with passion, purpose and playfulness.  She's consulted around the world with Fortune 500 companies and the book has received numerous accolades such as the Nautilus Book Award in...
Published 11/29/22