The origins of Venetian gondolas are lost to history ,but by 1500’s some 10 000 gondolas transported dignitaries merchants and goods through the city’s canals ,like a modern day taxi system ,gondolas were leased to boatman ,who made the round of the city’s ferry stations 。passenger paid fare to be carried from one side of the grand canal to the other , as well as to other points around the city , but gondolas soon develop the bad rap, historical documents describe numerous infractions involving boatmen, including cursing Grambling , extorting passengers ,even occasional acts of violence ,to minimize the unpredictability of canal travel , the Venetian citizens who could afford it purchase their own gondolas ,just as celebrity might use a private car and driver today .these wealthy Venetians hires two private gondoliers to ferry around the city and maintain their boats ,the (gondolas soon became status symbol ,much like an expensive cars ,with custom fittings carved and gilded ornamentation ,and seasonal fabrics like silk and velvet .(雕刻和镀金装饰的定制配件,以及丝绸和天鹅绒等季节性面料)
cursing 诅咒
infractions 犯规行为
extorting 敲诈
grand canal 大运河
leased 出租
Is she turning towards you or away from you , no one can agree . She is a mysterious subject of (Dutch ) master Jan Vermeer’s, girl with the pearl earring . A painting (often referred to ) as the mona lisa of the north . Belong to a (Dutch ) styles of the (idealized ) ,sometimes overly...
Published 07/30/23
Trauma , is an experience that is constructed like any other experience os constructed . That is doesn’t trivialize , that just shows you the real power of predictions in the economy of your everyday life . What’s happening when (an adverse ) experience become traumatic ? The brain...
Published 07/29/23