signal #27 remembering is forgetting / Tanel Rander, Bohdana Korohod
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The scenery in front of the eyes of Bohdana is changing every second while Tanel has a still image of Estonian winter in front of him. What is a memory place? Why do we fight for laying flowers to cold stones and not for gifting them to each other? As a follow-up to Tanel’s work as an archivist for Anthropologies of Space project, Bohdana talked with him about memories, remembering, commemorating and the last stop on the tram line number two.  The web-archive of the Anthropologies of Space created by Tanel Rander and Kelli Gedvil is coming soon on  
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elektron.signal on tagasi ja toob teieni värskeid ideid, mõtteid ja suundumusi Eesti etenduskunsti maastikult. Sel korral on mikrofonide taga Alissa Šnaider, Taavet Jansen ja Liis Vares, kes räägivad uuest segareaalsus lavastusest "Inimeses hoitud II: Õietera su sees"
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