Equalign interviews Reese Koffer-Stanfield of The Dressage Radio Show about dressage and how horses trained. Reese is a Grand Prix dressage rider with her horse, Big Mike. Reese has been training horses for 25 years and is a very accomplished rider/trainer/podcaster. Listen along as we discuss the benefits of dressage training across disciplines to create a more balanced horse. Please follow Reese on the Horse Network on The Dressage Radio Show.
Published 02/12/24
Equalign is a company based on prevention. We as chiropractors base our practice on prevention. The number one cause of injury in the elderly is from falls. The number one reason we see horses is back pain and behavior changes. With proper chiropractic care and exercise and nutrition much of this can be preventable. Listen along as we discuss the necessity of prevention.
Published 02/05/24
Stress is an everyday event for most of us. How we deal with the stress or how we perceive stress is what makes stress good for us or bad for us. Increasing cortisol levels in the body can do bad things. How is stress then good for you? Listen along as we discuss the benefits of stress and how best to control it.
Published 01/29/24
Proprioception is a sensory awareness of position in space. It is important for your body to deal with the natural stressors of the environment properly and for safety. From walking to chewing food it is what keeps you from stumbling (most of the time) to avoiding biting your tongue or crushing your own teeth. Listen along as we discuss proprioception and what we do as chiropractors to increase your proprioceptive ability.
Published 01/22/24
We are all a work in progress. We have been adjusting humans and animals for over 40 years each and we still have so much work in progress. What are you working on in your life and practice? Where do you go to find help working on yourself and your life? Listen along as we discuss our work in progress.
Published 01/15/24
We have a tendency to create patterns that we then get stuck in without realizing it. If you want different results than you have to do something different. What patterns do you have in your life that could use some change. Listen along as we discuss pattern interrupts and how it can change the way you do things for better results.
Published 01/08/24
The beginning of a New Year gives us a chance to reflect on days gone by and begin to think about what we want out of the coming days of 2024. Listen along as we discuss happy thoughts and how they can create the life you would like to have this year. We love you all. Happy New Year from Equalign and thank you all for taking the time in your busy schedules to listen to us.
Published 01/01/24
Increasing awareness is a necessity in creating health and wellness. Injury will create a lack of awareness in the body that can lead to chronic suffering. In this podcast we discuss the options we use to increase awareness in our canine, equine and human clients. 
Published 12/11/23
Today we welcome our guests Dr Claus and Dr Karen. Dr. Claus is and MD PhD and engineer professor at Northwestern and Dr. Karen has her PhD in biology and is an equine body worker. We have spent a few days together doing some scientific work and discussing movement. Claus brought up a good point about extra movement that leads us to our discussion today. Listen along as we discuss human and animal movement. 
Published 12/04/23
The attitude is gratitude and giving thanks. Today we discuss how living with gratitude and thanks will fill your life with the abundance of those thoughts and experiences. What you focus on is what your fill your life. Happy Thanksgiving to all our family of listeners and clients and family.
Published 11/20/23
We are just back from the American Veterinary Chiropractics Associations annual conference with new knowledge gained and more excitement for learning new things that benefit our practice and the health of our animals.  Listen along as we discuss what we learned this past weekend and how important it is to participate in a community that supports animal chiropractic. 
Published 11/13/23
PEMF or pulsed electro-magnetic frequency is a therapy that has been around since the 50s and within the last 20 years has become a prominent therapy in the animal and human world. PEMF comes in low and high frequency that each have their own specific uses. Listen along as we discuss the use and benefits you can expect with PEMF treatments. 
Published 10/30/23
Questioning everything is way of gaining knowledge and insight to the issues at hand. Asking why will give you information on process of thinking. Asking how will give you knowledgable information on specifics of the task. Asking what fills in the gaps that are created by the previous two questions. Listen along as we discuss Questioning Everything.
Published 10/23/23
Waiting is one of the biggest lessons we get in life. In our present society it has become a forgotten ability. We have become the I want it now. Amazon has prime shipping and get it. today shipping. Social media likes to limit posts to one to three minutes. Our attention span has become very limited. When it comes to healing, waiting is one of the most important aspects to getting the desired results. Listen to how waiting is important in so many aspects of life. 
Published 10/16/23
This podcast focuses on Danny and Ron's rescue from one of the most watched documentaries on Netflix called Life in the Doghouse. Danny and Ron have rescued over 12000 dogs and have a very unique approach to caring for their rescues. Their natural methods have increased longevity of their dogs. In this podcast they reveal their approach and how you can apply their methods with your own animals. With this method they have had dogs that have lived into their twenties. Equalign is proud to...
Published 10/09/23
You have done your chiropractic adjustment and the animal is still showing through your recheck that the issue is not fully resolved. What do you do next? Listen along as we discuss how we decide what to do next. 
Published 10/02/23
In this weeks episode we are going back to the basics. What is chiropractic, why does my animal need chiropractic and what affects are expected? We answer all these questions and more. 
Published 09/25/23
We have discussed a lot about kinesiotaping on these podcasts and this past week we were doing a lot of taping for clients who have never experienced the magic to taping and we spent a. lot of time teaching the basics. Listen along as we discuss the basics of kinesiotaping. 
Published 09/04/23
Mechanism and vitalism are two different concepts that are used to design and explain our inner workings. Mechanism was the chosen path of medicine back in the 1800s. It is the belief that if you can take an organism down to its smallest parts and understand how they function you should be able to fix it. Vitalism is more about an innate intelligence that is a force outside of our consciousness that makes all things function. Listen along as we discuss each concept and hint at even bigger...
Published 08/28/23
Addressing fascia in animals is a wonderful way to improve mobility. Fascia is a connective tissue that is found in every part of the anatomy all the way down to the nucleus of the cell. Treating fascia can give longer lasting relief after your animal has been adjusted or acupunctured. Listen along as we talk about fascial treatment, its benefits and how it is done. 
Published 08/21/23
Having a goal gives you a direction and a finish line. It will focus your thoughts, ideas and actions in the direction of the finish line and will speed your journey. Listen along as we discuss goals and success based on our experiences and knowledge we have picked up along the way.
Published 08/14/23
Asking for help can be a difficult thing for some people. Asking for help can lead to a learning experience, increase safety, increase efficiency, allow for better focus and get other people involved with what is going on and maybe learn more about helping their animal or themselves. Listen along as we talk about how asking for help is a good thing.
Published 08/07/23
Wear patterns on saddles, saddle pads, horseshoes, the animal, the human, the humans shoes all tell a story. Discovery of wear patterns can lead to better understanding of potential injury and the need for treatment. Listen along as we discuss what to look for and what it could mean for the health of the animal and human. 
Published 07/31/23
One of the most common questions we get is "What is the name of the chiropractic technique?" When you get this question you need to ask yourself what is this person asking? People like to stick to a pattern. Sometimes whether it has helped them or not. Listen along to find out about our technique and how we answer these questions so  they are more likely to see how they respond to our form of chiropractic. 
Published 07/17/23
Being able to explain in simple terms what it is that you do is one of the most important communications you can have with a prospective client. Being able to break down years of education into the simplest terms to begin an understanding of what it is you do is what builds a practice. If it is simple enough then that person will be able to explain it to other prospective clients. Listen along as we describe what we do and how to set expectations. 
Published 07/03/23