This touching letter was sent by Arturo G., one of the many friends in prison who gets free Program literature from SAICO, as well as the bimonthly ESSAY magazine. Arturo gave his permission to publish this letter as a way to express his gratitude to the Central Office, the CFC, and the whole SA...
Published 11/08/24
Als ich im Herbst 2020 zu AS kam, habe ich zwar nicht mehr funktioniert, aber bereit, eine neue Richtung einzuschlagen. Das lag daran, dass ich so verzweifelt war. Meine langjährige Erfahrung bei den Anonymen Alkoholikern hatte mir zwar einige Vorteile gebracht, darunter unzählige...
Published 10/17/24
Fin dall'inizio del mio percorso in SA sapevo che il nostro fondatore, Roy K., aveva scritto Sexaholics Anonymous (il “Libro Bianco”) e in seguito ho saputo che aveva scritto anche Recovery Continues, Discovering the Principles e diversi opuscoli di SA. Tuttavia, per molti anni mi sono chiesto...
Published 10/17/24