3 – How Do We Transcend Maya?| King Nimi’s Questions 4-5 | 2016 Jain Temple| Swami Tattwamayananda
-Question 4) How do we transcend Maya?
-Any spiritual person may be a teacher. The sincerity of the disciple makes all of the difference.
-The story of Nachiketa in the Katha Upanishad is used to explain the evolution of spiritual life.
-The conflict between the mind and the intellect needs to be transcended. False justifications and procrastination in spiritual life can be overcome by accumulating good samskaras by performing good actions and taking good food through all of the senses and the body.
-One should have great respect for your own tradition but do not unnecessarily run down other traditions.
-Being admired transfers your merit to others.
-A person who is feeling the constant presence of God creates transcendental joy in him and those around him.
-The mind automatically flows towards God when one obtains Prema-bhakti.
-Question 5) What is the nature of God, Narayana?
-The language of experience is silence. God is beyond the five methods of verbalization: referring to something obvious, description by characteristic, description by function, categorization, and relation.
-Scriptures and programs help us to become spiritually fit to understand that which is beyond words.
-Mandukya Prakriya: the unchanging witness in the three states - waking, dreaming, deep sleep.
-At the experience level, the highest devotion (bhakti) and knowledge (jnana) are the same according to the Bhagavata Purana as well as Shankaracharya in the Bhagavad Gita Bhasya.
-The relation between the Shunya of Nagarjuna and Brahman of Shankaracharya is explained.
-Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi gives two teachings in different contexts: 1) Work hard in spiritual life. (Self-effort) 2) God is not something you can purchase in the market. (God’s grace)
-We should take the first step. The mind will evolve when we take the first step. A complete roadmap is not possible and not needed before we take the first step.
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