In June 2023, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation establishing a new strategic technologies for Europe platform (STEP). STEP would rely on the reprogramming of funds under existing EU instruments. It would also come with an additional budget of €10 billion. Overall, the platform could leverage up to €160 billion in investment, of which €110 billion would be triggered by the top-up. STEP would direct funding to strategic projects supporting the development and...
Published 11/17/23
On 22 March 2023, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a directive on green claims. The proposed directive would require companies to substantiate the voluntary green claims they make in business-to-consumer commercial practices, by complying with a number of requirements regarding their assessment (e.g. taking a life-cycle perspective). No single method for the assessment would be stipulated.
Published 11/17/23
Gender-balanced representation among the decision-makers of the European Union is an important step towards full realisation of the principle of equality between women and men enshrined in the EU Treaties. The Union has made steady and significant progress, starting from a very low presence of women among EU Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament at the time when those institutions were created. The European Parliament is today one of the world's most gender-balanced...
Published 10/13/23
Air pollution is the single largest environmental health risk in the EU and causes significant damage to ecosystems. As part of the European Green Deal's zero pollution ambition, on 26 October 2022 the Commission tabled a proposal for a revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives. The proposed directive would set air quality standards for 2030 that are more closely aligned with the Word Health Organization's recommendations, as updated in 2021. It would also include a mechanism for the...
Published 10/13/23
Each Member State independently decides on its own energy mix and use of nuclear energy. However, there are common rules and standards on nuclear energy, the basis for which is the Treaty on the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom Treaty) signed in 1957. All current EU Member States are party to it and it has remained largely unchanged throughout the years.
Published 10/13/23
The democratic information sphere is facing unprecedented strategic and systemic threats. The 'infosphere' - the online public space for debate where people not only express, but also inform themselves to make democratic decisions - is being eroded by foreign and domestic anti-democratic forces with a (geo-) strategic agenda. According to a flash Eurobarometer survey published in July 2022, 28% of respondents said they had been exposed to disinformation and 'fake news' very often or often in...
Published 09/29/23
Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine is not only reshaping the security architecture of Europe, but is also influencing the EU's position as a global actor. With rising tensions between the US and China, the EU will find itself in an increasingly bipolar world. The rules-based global order is challenged and strategic relations around the world are being redefined. Key states from the so-called ‘Global South' are becoming more important for ‘the West' in its move to isolate Russia and to...
Published 09/29/23
The EU is an open economy, reliant on global supply chains to a higher extent than the US and China. At the same time, these complex chains are subject to increasing disruptions and uncertainties with many areas of fragility. De-risking Europe's global critical supply chains (particularly in the context of relations with China), points towards a more nuanced way of ensuring Europe's ambitions for increased resilience and strategic autonomy. It can be achieved by increasing domestic...
Published 09/29/23
With the COVID-19 pandemic, war returning to Europe and the accompanying energy crisis, a worsening economic outlook, all on top of a climate crisis, today's young Europeans are growing up in a volatile and difficult world. Concerns about economic prosperity, increasing competition for jobs, rising inflation and property prices make it difficult for young people to get ahead in life, to afford housing, to attain economic stability and to achieve a sense of satisfaction in society.
Published 09/08/23
The internet is a critical technology infrastructure for almost two thirds of the global population. We use the internet for personal, civic, commercial and professional activities. Failure of the internet would majorly impact how our societies, lives and work is organised. While a total global collapse of the internet is unlikely, major disruptions may arise. Three aspects are key in understanding of how this could materialise: the underlying technological infrastructures, which are evolving...
Published 09/08/23
More than any other continent, Europe's biodiversity has been shaped by human activities and is under constant pressure from human production and consumption. Changes in ecosystem services that are essential to human life affect livelihoods, incomes and local migration, and can even cause or exacerbate political conflict. Despite significant efforts, the latest European Environment Agency assessment shows that the vast majority of EU habitats (81 %) and species (63 %) have poor or bad...
Published 09/08/23
Since 2012 – when Xi was first made General-Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – the China-Russia relationship has evolved into an informal alliance in the face of what both countries consider a rising threat from the West to their regimes. China's response to Russia's war on has so far been much closer to Russia than it was in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea. At the same time, developments since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 have increased Russia's dependency on...
Published 07/07/23
In March 2023, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a 'net-zero industry act' that aims to expand the manufacturing capacity of net-zero technologies in the EU and enhance the resilience of its energy system. The proposed regulation would set up enabling conditions for the manufacturing of 10 net-zero technologies. The proposed regulation would aim to ensure that, by 2030, the manufacturing capacity in the EU for these strategic net-zero technologies reaches an overall benchmark...
Published 07/07/23
Road transport is a major contributor to climate change, accounting for over a quarter of road transport CO2 emissions. The European Commission proposes to revise the legislation setting CO2 emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles in the EU. The proposed revision would expand the scope of the existing regulation to include urban buses, coaches, trailers and other types of lorries. It will also require that the average CO2 emissions of heavy-duty vehicles, would have to fall by 45 %...
Published 07/07/23
Recent shocks have shown not only how vulnerable to crises the single market is, but also the extent to which the EU economy relies on a well-functioning single market. To protect it, the European Commission put forward a single market emergency instrument (SMEI) package. The main proposal establishes measures for contingency planning, such as an early warning system. If a wide-ranging crisis hits the single market, an 'emergency mode' could be triggered.
Published 06/09/23
Artificial intelligence (AI) has slowly but surely made its way (also) in the world of cultural heritage and museums. The results are both promising and surprising: reconstructing a piece of art, completing an unfinished composition of a great musician, identifying the author of an ancient text, or providing architectural details for a potential reconstruction of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral would have seemed like science fiction just a few years ago. The EU has a rich cultural heritage,...
Published 06/09/23
The aim of the legislative proposal for a Union certification framework for carbon removals initiative is to ensure high-quality EU certified carbon removals, through a transparent and credible governance framework. In doing so, this would open up the possibility for further investments towards carbon removal activities and increased deployment.
Published 06/09/23
The European Commission proposes new measures for a high level of public sector interoperability across the Union (the interoperable Europe act). The initiative seeks to ensure a consistent, human-centric EU approach to interoperability, create an interoperability governance structure that helps public administrations and the private sector to work together, and establish an ecosystem of interoperability solutions for the EU's public sector. It should also cut red tape for citizens and...
Published 05/05/23
Today, renewable hydrogen makes up a small fraction of total hydrogen production. Most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels and, although cheaper, it causes carbon emissions. Demand for renewable hydrogen is expected to grow quickly as the need for climate-friendly solutions increases. To avoid a situation where renewable electricity used for hydrogen production is diverted away from other uses, it is important to ensure additional renewable electricity capacity for renewable hydrogen...
Published 05/05/23
Nowadays, a wide range of key technologies across all industries, from chips to batteries, medical imaging to tanks, rely on the unique physical properties of some specific critical raw materials (CRMs). Demand for CRMs is projected to skyrocket in the coming years. However, as the transition to 'net-zero' and the digital age is particularly materials-intensive, it remains uncertain whether supply will keep up with the expected needs. The EU's ambition to become a climate-neutral economy by...
Published 05/05/23
The proposed update to the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive would introduce new obligations to better control pollution due to rainwater, impose stricter standards for nutrient removal and require advanced treatment for the removal of micro-pollutants. To cover treatment costs, a system of extended producer responsibility targeting pharmaceuticals and cosmetics would be set up. To align the directive with the Green Deal's ambitions, an energy neutrality obligation would be introduced for...
Published 04/14/23
The proposed EU regulation to ban products made using forced labour, including child labour, covers all products made available on the internal market of the European Union -meaning both products made in the EU for domestic consumption and for export, and imported goods. The provisions of the proposal would apply to products of any type, including their components, regardless of the sector or industry.
Published 04/14/23
The energy crisis of 2022 has brought new challenges for the EU electricity market. Concerns over very high prices, security of energy supply, and the need to increase decarbonisation have sparked discussions on the need to redesign the EU's electricity market. After the short-term measures adopted to mitigate the impact of the energy crisis, the European Commission has unveiled its much-awaited plan to reform the electricity market, with a triple objective: to shelter consumers from...
Published 04/14/23
The proposed directive on liability of defective products aims to bring the European Union's product liability rules up to speed with the digital age, circular economy business models and global value chains. Consumers would be better protected against defective products and the damages they might cause. Compensation for defective products would also extend to those manufactured outside the EU.
Published 03/13/23
The proposed 'AI liability directive' introduces new rules specific to damages caused by AI systems. These rules are intended to ensure that consumers harmed by AI systems enjoy the same level of protection as consumers harmed by other technologies in the EU. The directive would also ease the burden of proof for victims to establish damage caused by an AI system and give national courts the power to order disclosure of evidence about high-risk AI systems suspected of having caused damage.
Published 03/13/23