#34 - English Spelling - Is it ‘two’, ‘too’ or ‘to’? How to spell homophones in English with Louisa
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Hi and welcome to another episode of Everyday English with E2, where each week we focus on English grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation. This week, we’re looking at spelling, and focusing on a type of word that can be really challenging when learning English - the homophone. But what is a homophone? Well, if you’ve been learning English for a while, you’ve probably come across quite a few words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Like here - as in, ‘come over here!’ - and hear - as in, ‘can you hear that music playing?’. These words are called homophones, from ‘homo’, meaning ‘same’, and ‘phone’, meaning ‘sound’. Sign up to E2 English's FREE spelling course NOW at www.e2english.com