“This podcast has really helped me. I used to be lost and unaware of my energy. I was constantly giving it away to others, being used and it left me drained and down. I did not know about how some people’s energy can be toxic and that they could have dark entities attached to them, and they may not even know it.
Thanks to Elizabeth April I know how to protect my energy. I feel like I’ve shed my old self and now I’m living my higher self, or well at least a higher self than I was before :) I’m still learning about myself, like how much my ADHD has had an impact in my life and how unaware I was of it, now at 38 I’m learning about it and learning methods to help me work with it, including meditation and crystals.
Im at a good place in my life. I’m creating, designing, working on my business. I have tuned into myself and have let go of what doesn’t serve me, I also no longer do things out of obligation. Sometimes there’s things that still get to me and that I’m still healing from but I’ve come a long way and I’m proud of all the work and healing I’ve done and will continue to do.
I also have gotten my boyfriend into listening to her, she has really helped him too. Either on our own or together, we listen and watch her videos. I feel that it has made us stronger as a couple and as individuals.
I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is on a spiritual journey and discovering themselves within, or if you just want to learn about the universe, intergalactic beings, other dimensions, consciousness. EA has a real relaxing voice and she always leaves it up to your own discernment.
Thank you Elizabeth April for helping our awakening and being our spiritual teacher and channeler. Namaste.”
lunahelen via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·