The Extremers are three-legged in this episode, without the mighty aid and insight of Efren. Abraham, Josh, and Aaron shuffle forward in order to try and figure out the mysteries and mystique of the word fetish. Abe crunches away at our brains with his deep research and encyclopedic knowledge of all things word-y while Josh and Aaron add their unique perspectives to this titillating word and its many implications. Meanwhile, due to the absence of our steadfast literature maven (Efren), Aaron...
Published 11/10/18
Here at Extreme Vocabulary, we are tools of the devil because we ask for your CULTISH devotion, dear listener. Today's word, CULT, reminds us back when civilization was a mere gardening religion thankful to unknown gods for a full stomach. But how did we get from cult as gardening to cult as drinking the cyanide kool-aid? And was it even Kool-Aid? And did Nike sponsor the Heaven's Gate cult? We answer these and other questions because we are your sole authority. Pontiff Efren brings THE...
Published 10/03/18
Hey smarty pants, everybody in class thinks your smart, but is it just because you're holding a book in your hands? Join us on a discovery and decide for yourself who is qualified to expound on the meaning of intelligence. Abe brings us the etymology of the word, as usual, but we also consider some topics like animals, culture, books, and... French? Efren brings a poem by Stanley Kunitz, and of course we choose a song as usual. Don't listen to us because it's cool, listen to us because it's...
Published 09/06/18
On today's episode of Extreme Vocabulary, we take a look at a very common word with very ancient origins. Unlike left, it's opposite, it has numerous definitions. In fact, the very essence of this word suggests that morality is based on strength. It's weird. Then, Efren brings a piece of literature from Tahia Muhammed Ali, and in a rare feat for this podcast, we never once go off topic. Too good to be true, you say? Well, plug in your earphones and see if I'm right.
Published 08/07/18
You may have felt at a LOSS this past month without an episode of EXTREME VOCABULARY to keep you company, but don't worry, we are back with another fascinating etymological journey. Our captain is Abe, who, as usual, leads us through the historical and modern meanings of the word loss. He, along with Josh, Efren, and a remarkably off-mic Aaron, explore the loss of culture, loss of weight, and Alex Jones's cult of lost masculinity. Also, there's a lynx in here for some reason. Efren brings a...
Published 06/05/18
Extreme Vocabulary is not your typical word-of-the-day podcast. On Extreme Vocabulary, we hide behind our VEIL of secrecy. But just what are we hiding? And from whom are we hiding? Death, sex, marriage, religion, and more get teased through the mesh of our conversation but, one thing we don’t hide is our piece of literature, which Efren, as usual, brings. Today he brings a poem by Dennis Johnson, appropriately named VEIL. What will you see when you pierce this episode? The priest is waiting...
Published 05/02/18
Driving is pretty prevalent in our society, but the word itself is older than the Model T. Join us on a journey of discovery as we talk about what humans used to drive as well as what drives humans (you know, like sex and death and stuff). Efren brings a piece of literature from Sandra Cisneros that you may have read very well, and we choose the song of the day. Will we steer you to new understanding, or will we drive you mad? It's worth the price of admission, so join us again on EXTREME...
Published 04/03/18
Hear ye! Hear ye! All Yankee dudes and dudettes! Our Lord, Jeffrey Lebowski, and our sacred religion of Dudeism, demands that at your leisure (and only really of you have time, if not, whatevers, don't worry about it, everything's cool) you listen to Extreme Vocabulary as the team discusses the American origin of the word DUDE. They ask, who is a dude? Who is the Dude? Can women be dudes or should we call them dudettes? Is dude an insult, compliment, or like whatever? And is dude East coast...
Published 03/06/18
One day Josh crossed a bridge *watched a YouTube video* and decided to look under it *read the comments section*, and there he discovered an ugly troll *an insulting ranter*. The troll threatened to eat him *engage him in a verbal rant about nothing*, but Josh was clever *trollish* and killed the troll with a kick *ignored him completely*. And Josh lived happily ever after *continued reading the comments section*. Troll is the word, and it seems there's a bit of troll in us all thanks to...
Published 02/08/18
NNEEERRRRDDDSSS!!! In this episode of Extreme Vocabulary we nerd out on the word NERD. Who or what is a nerd? Is it now cool to be a nerd? And what credentials can you show to prove your nerdhood? Listen in as Efren challenges our nerdhood by siding with Pokémon the Trading Card Game, while Josh sides with Pokémon GO, and Abe stays conservative with the main series Pokémon games. But aren't nerds really just social conformists intent on ruling the world? And aren't they the jerkiest gate...
Published 01/02/18
Join us on our new time and location (the first Tuesday of the month) for our final EDICT. But just what is an edict, you may ask? As it turns out, some of us are learning for the first time as well. Be a part of the learning experience as Abe takes us from this declarative's latin roots through its history with the Catholic church and beyond. After all, even Buddhists can make edicts apparently. As usual, Efren provides the literary reference, this time a poem from Raymond McDaniel's Assault...
Published 12/05/17
What exactly was the strategy in having Ashley be our special guest host today? Or was it a strategem? What’s the difference, anyways? What are you employing in your life? Ashley joins Abe, Aaron, Efren, (and maybe Josh is hiding somewhere in the room as well) to dig into the roots of this cunning word which leads them into a discussion about war and military. Efren brings a quote from 1820 called Traits of Indian Character by Washington Irving. We are, of course, all triggered. But don’t...
Published 10/15/17
The boy is back in town and ready for action! Welcome the return of Abe as he brings us on an adventure of the mind. How do you know if you're on an adventure? Does Zelda qualify? What about a trip to Vegas? Efren then brings one of the most classic classic pieces of literature for analysis. So, strap in and saddle out (is that a thing people say?) and push the accelerator on Episode 14 of EXTREME VOCABULARY!
Published 09/16/17
For our second year as a podcast, we thought we would try something a little different. Now, we're all involved in the conversation from front to back, except... Abe wasn't able to make this recording in person. Hopefully, you can feel his spirit, though as we discuss today's dizzying word, VERTIGO. Aaron does the research, Efren brings a piece of literature from Jorge Luis Borges.
Published 08/15/17
What does Pluto have in common with Oscar Wilde? Find out on our anniversary episode of Extreme Vocabulary where we try to get to the tootsie roll center of an ECCENTRIC word. Abe has done the research and Aaron has not. Efren brings Ana Castillo's So Far From God and Josh is there too! Thanks for a great year!
Published 07/15/17
I hope you don't mind if we accost your ears for another episode of Extreme Vocabulary. We promise to return them to you unmolested and in the meantime, you'll learn about the history of this month's arresting word. Abe drops knowledge about Juno Diaz, Efren brings a piece of literature by Richard Wright, Aaron is his normal brilliant self, and Josh seems, well, a little confused. But don't worry, you'll get your ears right back and hopefully with something new in-between on this episode of...
Published 06/15/17
Oh, yeah... this again. So, Extreme Vocabulary does everything it can to stay, well, extreme, but sometimes they can't keep up that energy level. I'm not saying this episode is BORING, far from it. Abe tells Aaron about the Germanic origins of this week's word, deconstructs its usage among children, and even talks about watching ants crawl on his arm. Then Efren comes by with a bundle of joy from Raymond Carver's short story, FEATHERS. But there's something (yawn) about this episode, that...
Published 05/15/17
Why is VIDEO the word of a tyrant? Join Abe and Aaron as they discuss the ancient roots of this word, and its recent revival. Abe wonders if our ability to reproduce visual information has restructured the hierarchy of our senses while Aaron continues to mesmerize us with his beauty. Then, join Josh and Efren as Efren shares a passage from a short story by Junot Diaz. Hey, what are you looking at? It's Extreme Vocabulary, let's go!
Published 04/15/17
What's the matter? Didn't see this coming? Perhaps you could have used the magic of clairvoyance to anticipate today's word. Or maybe it's not so much magic, as it is just the ability to write Science Fiction. Join in as Abe and Aaron ponder the clairvoyants of the past, and the predictions they made for our future. Stay tuned as Efren reads from Ana Castillo's So far from God. Josh is doing his hosting duties as usual, but you already knew that would happen, right?
Published 03/15/17
You had to go a whole month without Extreme Vocabulary? You poor thing! But have no fear, Abe and Aaron are here to make sure you feel better; sometimes by making themselves look worse! But who will have empathy for our dear etymologists? Later, Efren joins Josh to read from The Tattooed Soldier by Hector Tobar. We hope that you join us too. After all, we're all alone without you!
Published 02/15/17
After a whole month, you might have been getting hungry for the sustenance that only Extreme Vocabulary can provide. Fortunately, Abe never disappoints us with his well-researched and unique takes on our words. He and Aaron come to the conclusion that we have overcorned corn, so tune in to find out what that even means. Efren brings Josh an especially big book by John Steinbeck. Prepare to have your minds blown, or popped, as the case may be.
Published 01/15/17
Oh snap! Is that the sound of a new podcast, or the explosion of ideas on this month's episode? Join Abe and Aaron who bring the bang for your buck, while Efren shares another work of literature with Josh. It's all yours and just a clickity-clack away.
Published 12/15/16
Pssst! This month's word is a secret! However, despite our best efforts to keep it under wraps, rumors of it have been circulating, creating a culture of discourse that imagines everything you know to be false. At least there is one thing we all know to be true: Extreme Vocabulary rules!
Published 11/15/16
This isn't a trick. In fact, we hope that it's a treat. In the spirit of the season, our word of the month is wizard. Listen in as Abe and Aaron stir the cauldron and discuss the evolution of this enchanting little word. Meanwhile, Josh and Efren discuss The Wizard of Oz. What is the source of the wizard's powers? Wisdom or magic? Find out on this episode of Extreme Vocabulary!
Published 10/15/16
Tag! You're listening to Extreme Vocabulary, which means that you are, are doing, and have today's word. Confused? Well, you shouldn't be, after all you've known what you are since birth right? Join Abe and Aaron as they discuss the nature of this excitable little pronoun while Efren shares a passage from Wuthering Heights. Think you know everything there is to know about it? Take a listen and find out!
Published 08/18/16