In a bid to find more soldiers to send to Ukraine, Russia has found an interesting new recruitment pool: rocket scientists. In this experimental short, Quinn talks briefly about Roscosmos' new Uran Battalion and the 60 year old men being offered the chance to die in the trenches. Not really sure what these shorts will turn into, if they continue. Bonus content, emergency filler episodes. But if you have opinions, let us know....
Published 06/19/23
As the Cultural Revolution threw China into chaos, no institution was immune, not even their highly-secretive rocket program. In this episode we talk to Tom O'Mahony, host of the 33rd County and Beneath The Skin podcasts, about how China's rocket scientists spent the late 60s brawling in the streets and assassinating each other over office politics. Check out our guest, Tom (@gotitatguineys) Host of 33rd County and Beneath The Skin Producer of What a Hell of a Way to Die and Lions Led...
Published 06/05/23
The first Moon Race wasn't to land people. It wasn't even to land. In the late 1950s, the Soviets and Americans raced to see who could be the first to slam satellites into the Moon at Mach 10. In this episode, Quinn, Chris, and Other Chris interview space historian Andrew LePage on his work, his blog, and the probes that paved the way for Apollo. Go check out Drew's website! Also, a big thanks to Drew for coming on the show. Show Notes ...
Published 05/26/23
Quinn, Chris, and Other Chris finish up their coverage of Soyuz 1 and Vladimir Komarov, the first man to die during a space mission. We also talk about the hundreds of dumb conspiracy theories that popped up around Soyuz 1, how they got started, and how they succeeded in replacing the truth. Sources Soyuz 1: The Death of Vladimir Komarov by Asif Siddiqi https://www.drewexmachina.com/2017/04/26/soyuz-1-tragedy/ https://www.russianspaceweb.com/soyuz1.html ...
Published 05/18/23
The cosmonaut who cursed the Soviet Union as he burned alive. The friend who died to protect Yuri Gagarin. The lump of carbon in an open casket. There are a lot of stories out there about Vladimir Komarov and Soyuz 1, and most of them are lies. In this episode, Quinn, Chris, and Other Chris go over what really happened to the first man to die during a spaceflight. Show Notes: Soyuz 1: The Death of Vladimir Komarov by Asif Siddiqi ...
Published 04/30/23
This episode, Quinn, Chris, and Other Chris talk about the history of Space Hygiene and the worst space mission that everyone survived. Topics covered include: The Soviet and American test subjects who didn't bathe for science The Gemini 7 astronauts who stewed in their spacesuits for two weeks The Salyut cosmonauts who almost drowned using the first space shower Sources: Packing For Mars, Mary Roach ...
Published 04/13/23
This episode we cover the history of the longest-running cooperation in space history, BION, as well as the endangered species it launched into space and the people who chained themselves to a door to shut it down. Sources: Animals in Space, Chris Dubbs & Colin Burgess NASA Institute for Biomedical Problems / Roscosmos
Published 02/08/23
The Navy tries to launch a grapefruit into orbit, an Army general LARPs as a Bond villain, and America's first satellite launch comes down to the dumbest photo-finish in space history. Part 2/2 of our series on Project Vanguard, the US Navy's flawed satellite launch program. Sources: Red Moon Rising, Matthew Brzezinski Vanguard: A History, NASA
Published 01/08/23
The story of probably the funniest and worst field in space science. We cover the history of space toilets from the Gemini "Defecation Glove" to the Shuttle Toilet-Blender. Show Notes - Packing For Mars, Mary Roach - How Do You Go To The Bathroom In Space, William R. Pogue
Published 11/27/22
Project Vanguard, the US Navy's plan to put a satellite in orbit, isn't one of those space stories that's well-remembered and with good reason - it was a historic failure and a national embarrassment. Needless to say, we were interested. In this episode, America tries to beat the Soviets to orbit with three (3) competing space programs, Navy engineers discover possibly the most dangerous chemicals on the planet, and an unfinished, untested, underfunded, and mismanaged rocket is forced to...
Published 10/24/22
In this episode, we take a look into the idea of delivering mail by rocket. It's a story of colonialism, Nazis, scammers, stamp collectors, and possibly the dumbest/coolest conman of all time. 
Published 10/06/22
Most people know about Laika the space dog or ham the astrochimp. What most people don't know about are the cyberpunk animals of the French Space Program. This episode, we explore CERMA, the Hammaguir launch site, and the various endangered animals France launched into space. Show Notes: Start of "Soviet September", where Quinn is banned from talking about the USSR or their space program for the next four (4) episodes, inclusive. Sources: Animals in Space: From Research Rockets to the...
Published 09/13/22
The Soviets came up with some truly innovative ways to protect their cosmonauts and space stations. This episode, we dig through a layer of Cold War secrecy and cover-ups to bring you the history of space guns. From cosmonaut Alexei Leonov taking on a wolfpack with a 1.5lb handgun to the Space Shuttle kicking off a wave of stupid Soviet space weapons.
Published 09/07/22
Part 2 of our 2 part series. In 1978, a Soviet spy satellite carrying weapons-grade uranium slammed into Canada's Northwest Territories. This episode, we talk about the scientists, soldiers, and psychics who signed on with Operation Morning Light to clean up the mess and why they failed. Content Warning: As with most things involving the Canadian government's treatment of First Nations people, a fair amount of racism. Sources: Leo Heaps, Operation Morning Light: Terror in Our Skies : the...
Published 08/29/22
This series, we are doing a deep dive on Cosmos 954, the Soviet spy satellite carrying a nuclear reactor that deorbited and crashed into Canada's Northwest Territories. In Part 1, we focus on the satellite itself, how it failed, and how a little-known American government agency stepped up to tackle a nuclear disaster. Topics covered include: - Why the Soviets loaded a spy satellite with weapons-grade uranium - The horrible "failsafes" they designed into their satellites - How a nuclear prank...
Published 07/31/22
This episode, we take a look at the history of Sputnik 2 as well as the the Soviet answer to Project Albert: the Canine Cosmonaut program. Topics covered include: - How Korolev designed, built, and launched a satellite in less than a month. - Why the Soviets only picked stray female mutts to fly on their rockets. - Why there was no reason for Laika to die except Khrushchev's ego. Show Notes: Red Moon Rising by Matthew Brzezinski Animals in Space by Colin Burgess and Chris Dubbs
Published 07/19/22
In this episode, we continue our investigation into Sputnik 1, its troubled development, and the politics that went into world's first satellite. Topics covered include: - Khrushchev being so sold on rockets he slashes the Red Army by a third - Rival engineers who got each other sent to the gulag - Building a rocket site in the most inhospitable place on Earth - Two revolutions, one coup d'état, and the least-bloody purge in Soviet history
Published 06/17/22
Back from an extended hiatus, we take a look at the cult that developed around Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space. Topics covered include: - Gagarin's folk tale-worthy landing and the subsequent cover-up - Gagarin's father being demoted to his uncle by state propaganda - Yuri's unlikely role as the first Soviet sex symbol - How the Kremlin exploited (and continues to exploit) Gagarin's legacy Show Notes Suggestion & Question Email: [email protected] Podcast Twitter:...
Published 06/03/22
Between super-heavy lifters, centrifuges throwing shells into space, or hypersonic warheads, this is a time of Sputnik Moments - moments in history that represent a great leap in science. But what about the first Sputnik Moment? What about the satellite that was so influential that it set the bar for every scientific breakthrough since and kicked off the greatest (peaceful) competition in human history? In this set of episodes, Quinn, Chris, and Other-Chris will take a deep dive into the...
Published 11/16/21
No better way to start off than to dive into the wonderful world of animal experimentation. In Episode Zero, Quinn and Chris go over America's Project Albert, Nazi rockets cobbled together from spare parts, so many dead monkeys, and much more.
Published 09/13/21