Throwback Reviews - Kingdom Hearts 3 (featuring Re:Mind and Melody of Memories)
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We're at the end folks! Finally we're caught up with the whole series! So let's see what happens in this final numbered game of the series and where it's gonna probably go in the future. So let's go!!! Recap: Let's recap the events of Dream Drop Distance and Fragmentary Passage to see what we will be dealing with in the 3rd game 03:25 - 13:23 Kingdom Hearts 3: Possibly the best gameplay in the whole series, amazing graphics and animation, vast and beautiful worlds and a story full of heartfelt moments and jaw dropping moments make this an entry that will be hailed by many as one of if not the best entry in the series 13:26 - 44:11 Spoiler Discussion: Let's discuss the spoilers of not only Kingdom Hearts 3 but also Re:Mind DLC and Melody of Memories game. Be warned!!! This spoilers discussion includes important plot points and secret endings!!! 44:15 - 1:04:26 I hope you guys enjoyed this adventure as much as I did and I hope you're now a fan of this series as much as I am. Thank you for sticking around this long --- Send in a voice message:
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Now as you know Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is releasing very soon in US and UK and it might be a question to people that what would they need to know before they watch it? Is there anything special that they need to know? Or it's a standalone story? The answer may shock you! So listen now...
Published 08/14/22
Published 08/14/22
اولین قسمت فارسی زبان پادکست! تو این قسمت میخوام با انیمیشن Futurama آشنا بشین انیمیشنی که اخیرا گفتن فصل جدیدش میخواد بیاد. انیمیشنی پر از خنده, احساسات, دانش و گاها خریت های مکرر کلا قول میدم عاشق این انیمیشن میشین چون محیط خاصی داره, کرکترهای خاص تر داره و سوژه هایی انتخاب میکنه که تا همین...
Published 02/10/22