Out of our misery comes our ministry. The greater the pain, the greater the power. It doesn’t matter who we are because our suffering is so that we can be called to help others. So let’s not get bitter with what we go through but allow others to benefit from the perseverance of our faith. But the enemy wants us to be stuck in a victim mentality so that we can get stuck focused in ourselves. We need to stop being hooked in our pain and give it to God.Things thats happen when we get stuck:1....
Published 10/29/23
Matthew 18:21-35 Forgiveness is not about keeping score, it’s about loosing count. The enemy’s plan is to keep us bound up in our offense, anger, and rage so we cannot walk into the fullness of what God has for us. We gotta serve an eviction notice to the enemy’s lie and release our pain and know that through Jesus we can receive healing from the inside out. Forgiveness is not acting like nothing happened, it’s saying this pain will no longer control me.Things to know about unforgiveness: ...
Published 10/22/23
The word says that we can make our own plans but the Lord is the one that orders our steps. Sometimes what gets in the way of God are our idols, which in this day and age can be our opinions, talents, strength, or dreams. There are two definitions of order, one is the way something goes, and the second is a command that is given for someone to follow in obedience. But sometimes we carry these idols, and just like Naman we can also carried pride, guilt, and shame that comes from our weakness...
Published 10/15/23
Heaven is looking for a miracle to take place here on earth. But sometimes miracles can only come through our yes. Saying yes doesn’t mean life will get easier or more fun but it will be fulfilling. Everyday is a great position to worship to Him. There will be some days that the yes comes easy and some days, our yes will come with a fight but in all seasons, we’ll continue to choose to make a commitment to Christ. A yes in heaven is a no to other things, but it will always be a trade up....
Published 10/01/23
The Pioneering Church We’re so grateful for the pioneers and revivalists of the past but God is calling those in this generation to help bring His kingdom to earth! To the level we honor God, is the level that we’ll experience His glory. And the way we honor, is the way we’ll perceive Him! For that reason Joshua and Caleb were able to make it through to the end. Despite the giants they faced, despite standing out from the crowd, and despite the battles, they always knew how to Honor God.We...
Published 09/24/23
Do we want to become more like Jesus Christ? Is there a passion to look more like Him? When we receive Jesus something new takes place for us, in us, and as us. Christ wants to be the Center of our entire life. When He gets in all of who we are everything changes, but we have to be willing to give Him access to our entire being. Christian's these days don't want to go through anything. We don't want to endure; but if Jesus endured the cross, as His followers we will have to go through...
Published 09/17/23
We were formed by God. We may look like our parents but we have The Fathers heart and calling in us. Some of us have been told that we were an accident. But God doesn’t make mistakes. Before God formed us in the womb. He molded us and carved out who we were. He designed us way before we were even a thought in our parents mind.God designed us and designed our destiny at the same time. If we don’t fit in, it’s because God designed us to be set apart. He made us different so we can seek for...
Published 09/10/23
Jesus didn't have tough skin but He had a tough source. As people, we will undoubtably hurt each other. Tough skin ruins our purpose and destiny because we wall up and build fences that end up imprisoning us. Vision rarely comes to prayer without the labor of great prayer because big vision requires God help.Here are some reasons as to why we pray: 1. The power comes when we put Gods word in your mouth so we not only read the word, but we pray the word. 2. You are a citizen of heaven and...
Published 08/27/23
How many times have we been led to a mess by the Lord but we find Him resting in the middle of that mess? God's not frustrated like we are frustrated, He's not worried like we are worried. But there are three types of storms we will go through in life: Correcting Storms 2. Perfecting Storms 3. Perspective Storms This is the type of storm that the disciples were in. This reveals a new aspect of the God's nature. Sometimes God is showing us who He is. The antidote to fear is not focusing...
Published 08/20/23
Validation from the Lord is accessible to us every day if we can open our ears and hear it. As we continue to walk with the Lord, He wants us to know exactly the ways in which He is willing to show up for us. God was pleased with Jesus, the Son, before He performed a single miracle. So, remember this: our God is already proud of us because His validation of us isn't based on our actions but on how He feels about us. Here are a few things to remember as you walk with the Lord: The...
Published 08/13/23
Life's full of ups and downs, mountains, and valleys. God publicly validated Jesus when He was baptized, but immediately after, God called Jesus into the valley. When you receive the mandate of purpose in the kingdom, you answer the call. The call is not always in the highs, but if we're afraid of the lows, we'll never find out how powerful God really is. We need to trust the process but also be prepared to fight the good fight against the devil. We need to recognize the three weapons the...
Published 08/06/23
God's perception of the prophets and the prophets' perceptions of themselves are completely opposite. In this day and age, we are fully convinced that we know God's heart and are speaking on His behalf. But how can we be so sure? The prophets of this age are busy with full calendars and an abundance of activities. But what does the Lord say? They speak not out of listening to His word. They have activity but they do not have authority. God wants us as a church to be filled with His authority...
Published 07/30/23
In our lives, we often strive to control certain aspects, but we must acknowledge that our efforts can only take us so far. When we attempt to control things, we are essentially admitting that we trust ourselves more than we trust God. However, it is crucial to realize that God does not want us to submit to Him partially; rather, He desires that we surrender everything to Him and trust in His process. It is important to recognize that our sins not only affect us but can also have an impact on...
Published 07/23/23
This world can offer us a fleeting sense of peace, but as believers, we serve a God who offers us a peace that surpasses all understanding. Fear can often push us to make impulsive decisions, but when we allow ourselves to experience true peace, we can learn to be still and make wise choices. It's important to recognize that not all fear is created equal. Healthy fear can equip us to face challenges and grow as individuals, while unhealthy fear can hold us back and limit our potential....
Published 07/16/23
Being faithful and consistent is not always exciting and it's not always cheered on by people. However, it is crucial to keep our faith and consistently pursue the creator of our call. In the process, He gives us the confidence and wisdom to do what He intends for our life. Our faith should bring forth fruit, and to achieve that, we need to understand and implement the following points: Faith takes a new vision. This new vision only comes when we seek the things above and not earthly...
Published 07/02/23
The Lord is never unsure of the grand plans He has in store for us. When He created us, He put on both the hats of an architect and an engineer. His thoughts and plans for us are as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore. We are merely on loan from God to our earthly fathers. Therefore, the fact that we are still here means that the engineer has done something right. Despite the trials and tribulations that we have endured, we are still here, living and breathing today. This is...
Published 06/25/23
God does not want us to worry about anything in our lives. In fact, He commands us not to worry. When we worry, we create chaos in our lives that was never meant for us to carry. To open the door to faith, we must close the door to worry. It is important to understand that worrying is a manifestation of an orphan mentality. It is when we think that we are pulling the yoke by ourselves and ploughing the field of life alone. However, when our faith is completely in Him, God will teach us the...
Published 06/18/23
We often forget that God is a Father God, full of love and mercy. No matter how good our earthly father is, they are still human and have flaws that can affect their parenting. Sometimes, we tend to see our Heavenly Father through the same lens we view our earthly fathers, but this is not the right way to approach Him. Let us ask God to renew our minds so that we can see Him for who He is, complete and whole, without any preconceived notions. Our Heavenly Father has adopted us into His...
Published 06/11/23
In our generation, we are called to do great things. But in order to fully understand our call, it is important to take a moment to reflect on the ones who have come before us. We are not the first to run this race; we are simply grabbing the baton from the heroes of faith that have paved the way for us. And as has been the case throughout history, in every generation, God raises up a leader who does not fit in. This is because if you fit in, you won't need God. While it is exciting to look...
Published 06/04/23
"To SEE" in the original language implies "to realize" and "to attain vision". This means that it is not simply a matter of dreaming about something that you cannot see, but rather, it involves comprehending what the Lord intends for you to grasp. If you are currently pursuing something, bear in mind that it all began with a mental image. This image only comes about when you align yourself with the Lord. However, in order to possess the vision that God has given you, you must be a good...
Published 05/28/23
Our lives are like the raw ingredients a chef compiles before they begin to bake. In order to make cookies, you'll need flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. However, making cookies is not the only thing you can do with these ingredients. You can also make cakes, brownies, or even bread. The possibilities are endless, just like the potential in our lives. God has a purpose for each one of us, and it is our responsibility to discover what that purpose is. Sometimes, it takes time and patience, but...
Published 05/14/23
podcast descrption As believers, we can gather in church on Sundays, but we are called to be the church every day of the week. The anointing of the Holy Spirit equips us to not just proclaim the Gospel, but to demonstrate its life-changing power to the world. Here are five amazing attributes of the Holy Spirit: It brings the power of God It is tangible (something you can feel and experience) It brings joy (not happiness) It brings breakthrough It is transferable Although the anointing may...
Published 05/07/23
When fear fills your heart, it can cause you to feel trapped and limited in your abilities. On the other hand, faith has the power to expand your horizons and give you the courage to dream and hope in God. It takes great faith to plant seeds in a time of famine or to dig up wells in a dry and barren land. Faith is also what gives you the strength to fight and overcome the challenges that come your way. In the upcoming season, we will delve deeper into our spiritual wells to access the living...
Published 04/30/23