Go into almost any Chinese restaurant and you’ll see beautiful chandeliers. You might wonder if this is an effort to dress up the interior of the restaurant, and while it might be, chandeliers have a much more important symbolic place in restaurants, and indeed, your home. These chandeliers are thought to bring up the quality of the dining experience because chandeliers are thought to invite wonderful chi – and they do!
Published 05/18/22
When traveling, whether for business or for pleasure, you can still enjoy the benefits of feng shui. You might have even noticed that enjoy your travel more (or less) when you travel to certain places that are in one direction. Maybe you find that you enjoy travel equally well, but more so to some places than others.
Published 05/11/22
There’s a saying that success is just the accumulation of good habits. It’s true. The more you do to help yourself and to be successful, the more successful – and prosperous – you’ll become. Success and the wealth and acclaim that comes with it isn’t as much a secret as much as it is a habit.
Published 05/04/22
It may not seem like fame and recognition are important, but they are. This part of feng shui and your life directly relates to how others see you and how you present yourself in the world. When you have good fame luck, opportunities often find you and others promote you and open doors for you. When fame and recognition energy is low, it seems like you’re lost in a crowd with little or no recognition and no opportunities for introductions, recognition, or that boost your reputation and...
Published 04/27/22
There are few homes with perfect feng shui. Fortunately, rather than hanging a windchime or adding flutes to a beam, you can make simple decorative changes can be made that will look and feel more natural. These decorative elements can help remedy difficulties such as poison arrows that come from a front door and back door alignment or odd windows and slanted walls. Here are nine important feng shui decorating fixes that you can use in your home that will look good and help your home’s feng...
Published 04/20/22
As educated and advanced people, we now know that unseen forces, like radio waves, gravity, and even solar flares, do exert an influence over us and our lives. We’ve come to understand that energy is a real, living thing and the acceptance of chi – the flowing river of energy that resides in our bodies, our homes, and the Universe, is also real. So, it should come as no surprise that the energy of chi can also exert an influence on us that’s either beneficial or detrimental. The problem...
Published 04/13/22
The bed is a critical piece your ability to be rested and supported as you sleep, and indeed, your life. When the headboard of your bed is compromised, it will create problems for you in your life in your relationships, health and difficulties with money, and even getting proper rest. Many beds simply don’t have a headboard at all, and this gives the sleeper absolutely no support, sleep quality is impacted and many find they feel like they have to “go it alone” in the world. Based on that,...
Published 04/06/22
Good feng shui has a number of definitions. It includes everything from good landscape layout, auspicious topography that includes mountains, lakes, or oceans, and good design, including auspicious or  inauspicious shapes, harmonious arrangement of elements, and a host of other factors. But did you know that good feng shui can also include very subtle environmental clues, too? It’s true. For instance, have you ever walked into a home or office and felt uncomfortable at once? Or, perhaps your...
Published 03/30/22
One of the most common questions in feng shui is what color to paint a bedroom. Bedroom color is an important choice because we always want our bedrooms to support our rest and relaxation. Colors that are soft, muted, and easy on the eyes are always preferable to bright and energized colors, such as a crimson red or bright blue. Think of terms of the restful quality of the colors you select, whether it’s for wall color or your bedding.
Published 03/23/22
In feng shui, there are a lot of ways you can use mirrors to your advantage. Some of the most popular ways are to reflect a beautiful view, add more light to your room, or make the room look larger. But equally important are the ways not to use mirrors, or the feng shui mirror don’ts.  
Published 03/16/22
Paying attention to your office can pay in rich dividends for your career. You’ll notice that once you make changes, corrections, and enhancements to your office, you’ll feel differently in it and enjoy your time in your office more. What’s more, everyone who comes into your office, or cubicle, will notice what you have done and will be influenced in their thoughts about your space — and that will make them feel differently about you and help build your career.
Published 03/09/22
Monthly March 2022 feng shui energies.
Published 03/02/22
When you experience little or no growth in your life, it could be because the growth portion of your home is blocked, impeding your progress. This podcast specifically addresses the wood energy of the east and southeast.  
Published 02/24/22
Feng shui is often used to improve your life in love, money, and happiness. But what about when you have a problem, like feeling your life never grows or improves, or if you have an addiction? There are ways to use feng shui to help you move past trauma, manage self-defeating behaviors, and see your life’s circumstances change becoming more positive and rewarding.
Published 02/16/22
Originally used as temples for the practice of devotion and enlightenment, pagodas are prized and auspicious figures for desks and homes. They may be placed in your home or office for protection or as a symbol of rising fortunes, whether through study or professional advancement. In feng shui pagodas are synonymous with education. Dutiful Asian parents often display them on their children’s desks to promote good study habits and for scholastic success. But the pagoda is also a symbol of...
Published 02/09/22
Here's a breakdown of February 2022 monthly energies as we start the Year of the Water Tiger.
Published 02/02/22
Tired of take out or frozen dinners for one? Or you might be ready to go on a date with someone instead of a movie for one. Maybe you don’t know how to meet someone after a long relationship has ended. The good news is that the Chinese New Year is an auspicious time to begin the New Year with an eye toward the future – and that includes the future of your love life! Regardless of your relationship status, now’s a great time to use feng shui and spur the romantic energies of the lunar New...
Published 01/26/22
Addressing Feng Shui frequently asked questions (FAQs) and what to expect in 2022.
Published 01/19/22
Lunar New Year:  As part of preparing for the Lunar New Year, many Asians and Chinese prepare their home as they would for an important guest, taking time to do a thorough decluttering of old items, giving their home a deep cleaning, and adding auspicious decorations such as flowers and oranges. The home is given a thorough going-over to rid the house of old energy and prepare it for the new energy of the New Year.
Published 01/12/22
The Year of the Tiger is coming and with it will be sweeping change. The big, yang water energy that comes in like the tiger will make everyone sit up and take notice, just as you would if a grand tiger came striding into the room. The tiger is a solitary creature by nature, and like water which is represented by the number one, this is a combination of energies that can bring major shifts. Life is about to swiftly change and open up again after feeling slammed shut the past two years.
Published 01/05/22
The third sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the tiger is a symbol of passion, power, and growth. Although it is represented by the late winter, the tiger is the first sign of spring, when buds and green grass bursts forth from the ground, and so, too, does the tiger.
Published 12/15/21
Holidays are special times to gather family and friends together to enjoy festivities, gifts, and special foods. This is especially true at Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa when we seek to share the bounty of the year by giving gifts and celebrating with those closest to us. It is a fun and beautiful time of year when homes and shops are decorated in glittering lights and bountiful greenery. Decorating for the holidays is also great feng shui because it puts attention – and intention – on...
Published 12/08/21
Creating good feng shui that promotes wealth, happiness, and opportunities can extend way beyond your front door or the way you arrange your bedroom. Feng shui can be incorporated in the accessories in your home to the car and clothing colors you select. Once I began making feng shui my lifestyle, I noticed that make those choices made more of a positive impact.
Published 12/01/21
Good feng shui at Thanksgiving allows involves showing gratitude and thanks for those who are important in your life.  Your spouse, children, parents, siblings, close friends, and neighbors.  There is no better way to have good feng shui during the holidays than to connect with those who matter to you most in a grateful and thankful manner!
Published 11/24/21
If you’re confused by feng shui and about how to assign the corners of your home, you’ll be happy to know that there is a secret weapon in the feng shui arsenal: the compass. Some feng shui experts recommend locating all the sectors of your home by orienting off the door to the room, or the direction of the house by assigning the front as north. This can often be confusing because there may be more than one entryway to a room, and what if your front door actually faces west or southeast?
Published 11/17/21