Fatal Atlas Air Flight 3591 Cargo Plane Crash Subject of Board Meeting
Complex NAT planning due to alternate airport restrictions
Faa Safety warnings
Accident: Dynamic B762 at Fort Lauderdale on Oct 29th 2015, fuel leak results in engine fire (Final Report)
Topic: Pireps: Dispatchers role in pirep reporting 14 CFR 121.561 What is a PIREP? Where do they come from? What are the different types of PIREPS? How are they submitted? How do dispatchers communicate PIREPS? How do dispatchers ‘see’ PIREPS? The struggle to get a useful pirep. Objective PIREPS Vs Subjective PIREPS Different Airlines, Different Policies Future of PIREPS / Discussion Life: How do you deal with stress? How do you manage rotating schedules AKA night shift to dayshift and vice versa changes.
In this episode, Gregg, Joe, and Mike talk about the impacts of Rocket launches on aviation and the effects of volcanic ash from the eruption of Sheveluch in Russia.
USGS Volcano Hazards
Speedbird 9