Jason Gabler, VP of Sales for Adentro, Data & Digital Hospitality Guru
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Adentro is a marketing solution designed to increase guest foot traffic in restaurants. The platform pairs with a restaurant’s in-store WiFi network to help businesses better understand and market to their customers based on customer visit behavior. Adentro works similar to how a tracking pixel on a company’s website might identify information about a site visitor and their interests. Using WiFi, restaurants are able to do the same thing because the WiFi is passively detecting devices every 30 seconds. And while that detection isn’t gathering identity information about the diner, Adentro makes that detection actionable by working with third-party channels like paid social, display or CTV. Digital hospitality means that every guest experience is measured and everyone gets a personalized experience with your brand. Brands often succeed not because they’re spending more on marketing, but because they’re being human and connecting with consumers on a human level. Quotes Adentro is a marketing solution designed to increase guest foot traffic in restaurants. The platform pairs with restaurant’s in-store WiFi network to help businesses better understand and market to their customers based on customer visit behavior. Adentro works similar to how a tracking pixel on a company’s website might identify information about a site visitor and their interests. Using WiFi, restaurants are able to do the same thing because the WiFi is passively detecting devices every 30 seconds. And while that detection isn’t gathering identity information about the diner, Adentro makes that detection actionable by working with third-party channels like paid social, display or CTV. Digital hospitality means that every guest experience is measured and everyone gets a personalized experience with your brand. Brands often succeed not because they’re spending more on marketing, but because they’re being human and connecting with consumers on a human level. Transcript 00:00.00 vigorbranding Everyone today I'm joined by my good friend Jason Gabler from a dentro. He's a vp of sales and although that's his focus we're gonna be talking about so many things today that are not sales related so stay tuned and I hope you love the episode Jason say hello give a little bit backstory. 00:17.39 Jason Hello Joseph hello forktails audience. It's really great to be here and I'm grateful for the time today I've been with a dentro for about None ars I was initially hired as an individual contributor on the sales side and over that time we've evolved a lot as a company. Um, focusing on none party data helping our clients and partners leverage that data to drive success for their business and and prior to that I had a background in recruiting and management consulting. So overall primarily in the tech space and and over the last five years specifically with a focus on the restaurant industry and hospitality. 00:50.28 vigorbranding Excellent, Yeah, there's I think data and technology are I mean the biggest buzzwords in the restaurant industry. Finally I feel like it was something that we sort of talked about for a little while and then the Pandemic just has like stopped everyone in their tracks and like okay now's the time but it's it's safe to say that like. 01:05.83 Jason Um, yeah. 01:09.91 vigorbranding We as humans just all of us we are living in a mobile first society we're connected all of the time much to the chagrin of my wife and me at times. Um I like had to take the time to actually put my phone away and be present. Um, that's how connected we are. Um, how has this affected the the restaurant industry positive or negatively in your opinion. 01:31.48 Jason I Think that the positives and negatives are kind of tied together I think it pushed a lot of people out of their comfort zone that have been doing the same thing the same way for a long time and you know and I I think for a while technology was something that the industry.
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