Uta Brandes ist Expertin für Gender und Design – und eine Vordenkerin für mehr Vielfalt und Originalität in der Designbranche. Obwohl es viele Gründe gibt, optimistisch zu sein, sieht sie auch die Grenzen des Gestaltbaren: Eine komplett geschlechterneutrale Welt wird es nicht geben.
Schnitt: Manolis Baier
Intro/Outro: Candlegravity
Welcome to the sixth and final special episode from the Driving the Human festival! Yuri Tuma is an old acquaintance of ours – or should we say an old friend? We first met him in 2021 in the legendary summer school Domaine de Boisbuchet where he was causing some attention because he was wearing a...
Published 03/09/23
Welcome to our fifth episode from the Driving the Human festival! When we met Brigitte Baptiste, we were kind of intimidated because her CV made such an impact on us. She is a biologist from Colombia. She was the director of the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute for...
Published 03/03/23