Kiyoshi Kurosawa's breakout film Cure released in 1997 and, over the years, has become both a cult classic and darling of modern directors. Uniquely disturbing and brilliant, Cure begins as a police procedural and then dives into a totally unique atmosphere of dread as the mesmerist Mamiya confounds his rival, the detective Takabe. The film uses visuals and background sound to hypnotize the audience while treating violence as almost incidental or inconsequential, leading to a sickening mismatch between on-screen action and tone. A masterpiece of story and direction, Cure also delivers incredible performances from the two lead actors, Koji Yakusho and Masato Hagiwara.
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Ben Wheatley's 2011 Kill List is an obscure film, but one with surprisingly deep themes of class conflict, PTSD, the pressure of everyday life, and the oppressive nature of society. The movie is cloaked in a veneer of hitman action and occult activity, but can be confusing or unsatisfying if...
Published 11/14/24
This week, Four Play watches our first Korean film: Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum directed by Jung Bum-shik in 2018. The film is part of the found footage horror genre, popularized by other movies like the Blair Witch Project, but takes an extremely modern approach using YouTube and livestreaming to...
Published 10/31/24