Discover the unconventional love story of Rebecca Carmichael, Katherine, and their ghostly third companion Rupert in this fascinating episode of Beyond Limits. Follow the hosts, Frank, Lynette, and Bre as they delve into the intriguing paranormal romance that is nothing short of extraordinary. Unfold how these dynamic personalities managed to foster a bond strong enough to transcend the boundaries of the physical and spiritual world. Apart from the enchanting spectral tales, engage in a...
Published 05/20/24
Welcome to another enlightening episode of Fringe Beyond Limits as we debunk common misconceptions about ghost hunting and delve into the complex realities of paranormal investigations. Get an insider's perspective of the meticulous process that transpires beyond the cinematic version popularly depicted in media. Walk with us as we traverse haunted locations rich in historical dramas and unresolved mysteries. Listen in as we identify our ideal locations for ghost hunts and discuss the...
Published 05/13/24
Ever felt a sudden chill or hear the sound of disembodied singing coming from down the hall of an empty house? What about waking up with an unexplained bruise or scratch, only to see the shadow of a person out of the corner of your eye disappear right when you attempt to look at it. In this episode, we discuss the different types of hauntings and known ghosts as well as share some of our personal experiences and beliefs regarding each.
Published 05/07/24
Welcome to "Fringe Beyond Limits," where the unexplained meets laughter, friendly banter, and our shared fascination of the paranormal world. In this episode, join hosts Frank, Lynette, and Bre as they share their thrilling personal experiences ranging from haunted castles in Ireland to baffling phenomena that challenge our perception of reality. Hear Lynette's childhood stories that inspire further exploration of the unexplainable and how our curiosity is piqued by a visit to the Winchester...
Published 04/28/24