What happens when the powerful suddenly find themselves vulnerable? Will anyone be willing and able to step in and help them? Maybe! In this episode, El león y el ratón, based on the well-known Aesop’s Fable, find out what happens when a lion and a mouse cross paths!
Core Vocab: tienes que, le ayuda, no puede (hacer), simpático
For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit .
We’ve got a rooster laying an egg and a snake incubating it… what could go wrong? Find out in this episode! Core Vocab: caballero (knight), secuestrar (kidnap), brujo (sorcerer), salió (left)For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit
Published 05/13/24
Hear about a Chilean ghost ship called “El Caleuche” which sometimes can be found, and sometimes can’t be found, in the waters of southern Chile.
Core Vocab: buque (ship), tripulantes (crewmembers), nadie conoce (nobody knows), and agarran (grab)
For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables,...
Published 04/08/24