The Holy Spirit...quite possibly one of the most polarizing topics in recent church history. But why is the Holy Spirit "weird"? What does the Bible say about it? When did the “weird” narrative begin? And why does man fight against it?
Published 04/08/24
On Easter Sunday, we dive into an intimate understanding of The Cross and resurrection. Why did He do it? What does it mean for Him? What does it mean for you?
Published 04/01/24
The number of one opportunity on earth is the opportunity to be friends with the God of the universe. The number one compliment of heaven is when God Himself calls you His friend. But the number one responsibility in this life is God asking you to bring Him more friends. So how do we become friends with God? How do we know that he even wants more friends? And what role can we play in bringing Him more friends?
Published 03/25/24
The day Jesus performed His first miracle was also the day we hear the last recorded words from His mother, Mary --- “Whatever He says to you, do it.” But what does it look like to live a life of obedience to Jesus? How do we invite Him into our everyday lives? And what actually happens when we give Him everything?
Published 03/18/24
If we want to be like Jesus, we must first learn to abide in Him. But what does that look like? What steps must we take? And how do we step into our anointing?
Published 03/11/24
God created YOU for a very specific purpose. And as His sons & daughters, He commissions and anoints us for it. But how do we discover it? How do we walk in it with confidence? And once we know it, what do we do with it?
Published 03/04/24
What does it look like to live the life that God called you to? -- a life where you are truly being used by Him to do what He created you to do. It all starts with surrender, but surrender never comes easy. So what does it look like practically? What in our life must we actually surrender? And how do we know we are FULLY surrendered to His will?
Published 02/26/24
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you." We're all familiar with this commandment from Jesus, but as believers, how many of us are actually walking it out day-to-day? How do we TRULY become a disciple of Jesus? There are three things we MUST learn to do.
Published 02/19/24
When you’re spiritually stuck in a rut, chances are you’re deficient in the essential nutrients that you need. You were created for spiritual food. And God has given man a spiritual appetite so big that it MUST be fed daily. But what exactly is the spiritual appetite of man? What happens when we don’t get what we need? And how does God make sure that each of us has a specifically tailored meal plan — no matter what stage we are in spiritually?
Published 02/12/24
As followers of Christ, we are called to care — but what does that look like? Who must we care for? How must we care? Why must we care? This week we continue the Seven Mandates series with “We Must Be A Caring Church.”
Published 02/05/24
When it comes to being generous, there is no one more generous than our God. And if we are called to be like Him, we MUST make generosity a priority in our lives. But what does that look like? What can we do practically? What areas of our life does that affect? This week, we look to answer six questions that we must address if we want to pass one of life’s hardest tests.
Published 01/29/24
How can we access the manifest presence of the God of the Universe? Over this two-part message, we are walking through a six step protocol that we can put into practice to access and experience the presence of God.
Published 01/22/24
The value of consistency cannot be overstated. Consistency matters. So what happens when we continue to show up? What can we expect God to do in and through us? And how can God use our obedience to change the life of others?
Published 01/15/24
How can we access the manifest presence of the God of the Universe? Over this two-part message, we are walking through a six step protocol that we can put into practice to access and experience the presence of God.
Published 01/08/24
So you’ve chosen to follow Jesus. Amazing! But what does it look like to become a true disciple? (Spoiler alert: It’s gonna cost you!) So what should you do? Where do you start? What should you focus on? And what does it all ACTUALLY cost?
Published 01/01/24
When we think about the why behind Christmas, it can be complicated. A king from Heaven coming to earth as a baby? Why? How? What does that have to do with me? What does that have to do with you?
Published 12/24/23
Fear. The enemy will tempt us to receive and submit to it — convince us to hide it. And if we do, it can hold us back from what God desires for our lives. As believers, we are called to live a life free of fear. But how do we see it the way God does? How do we overcome it? And what steps can we take to prevent it from creeping back in?
Published 12/18/23
Change. It’s rarely easy. But it’s a part of life. And we all handle it differently. Why MUST we experience change? Why do we tend to hate it? And what can we do to best handle it when it comes our way?
Published 12/11/23
"Anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him." Wait...what?!?! Making the decision to follow Jesus doesn't mean things will always make sense, but it does mean that won't be the ONLY decision we'll ever have to make. As a believer, it takes daily steps and daily decisions to follow Him, no matter how hard or crazy it may seem in the moment. This week, Tim Ross talks about the decisions we make daily to follow Christ, and the revelation that comes when we choose to...
Published 12/04/23
Each and every one of us battles sin in our lives. And many times, we have the same thoughts as Paul in Romans 7: "I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway." So how do we overcome it? And what steps can we take to break free?
Published 11/27/23
Have you ever been in a difficult season and found it hard to trust in God? This week, we discuss two steps we can take to grow our trust in God, so that we CAN and WILL trust Him when we go through trials and tribulations.
Published 11/20/23
When we make space, He always shows up. This week, along with our friend Michael Bethany, we created intentional time to dwell in the secret place with Him.
Published 11/13/23
It's the most intimidating verse in the Bible. "Go into ALL the world and preach the Good News to everyone." How on earth do we pull this off?! How are we going to do it? And why MUST we do it? Preston breaks down the plan to tackle this command from the Lord.
Published 11/06/23
Unity. God loves it. The devil despises it. And so much, that he goes to endless lengths to divide. How do we identify a spirit of division? And why is unity such a crucial piece to the Kingdom? Preston tackles this and more in a message titled "The Devil Loves Division."
Published 10/30/23
Preston Morrison continues the series "Friends, Family & Foes" with a message titled 'Can You Handle A Nathan?'
Published 10/23/23