Pull Or Pass: Issue 30 - 25/04/2020
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Issue 30 of Pull Or Pass! Sponsored by Travelling Man - https://www.travellingman.com/ Pull or Pass is your weekly, geeky comic book radio show. During the Covid-19 lockdown, rather than their usual reviews of three of the week's comic book releases, they're reviewing issue 1s that're available free from publisher's websites. News: • JJ Abrams is the showrunner for a new Justice League Dark series on HBO MAx • Venom 2 official sub title • Jim Lee auction is plagued by flakers • San Diego Comicon cancelled • DC releasing comics in stores from 28th April?! • Scout Comics self-distribution • Marvel Cookbook • Mark and Zach on other podcasts • Free digital first issues and which publishers are providing them This week's comics are all free downloads from Valiant Comics via Comixology: • Faith #1 • Bloodshot #1 • X-O Manowar? 
More Episodes
Pull Or Pass, the comic book podcast featuring Mark from Geek of the Week alongside his friend Zach, is moving to the We Made This Podcast Network. If you listened to PoP here; you'll need to go there!...
Published 05/11/20
Published 05/11/20
Issue 29 of Pull Or Pass! Sponsored by Travelling Man - https://www.travellingman.com/ Pull or Pass is your weekly, geeky comic book radio show. During the Covid-19 lockdown, rather than their usual reviews of three of the week's comic book releases, they're reviewing issue 1s that're available...
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