"My prayers got more confident in time even though the evidence was opposing me” Says our guest today on the POD! & boy howdy was I encouraged, and I am sure you will feel a similar kinda way after this conversation! I am beyond excited to share with you, the one and only, Riley Kehoe! You may know her as @rileywithcourage on Instagram! Riley was born in England, raised in New Zealand, and now embraces America as her home.She has traveled to over thirty countries, mainly for volunteer...
Published 06/02/23
Is prayer your last resort? Or first response? Not just to a crisis, but in a little thank you moments too! Today, we are chatting with founder of The Honey Scoop,  Ashley Hetherington! Ashley is one of my BEST friends and it is truly an HONOR to have her with us this week for our 100TH EPISODE!!!! I cannot believe we've been on this sweet journey together for 100 conversations, chatting about our Faith with our Friends.  In this episode we talk about... -Practical ways to incorporate...
Published 05/26/23
Do you realize how much power your words truly carry? From your name, to the things you say without even thinking... there is power behind the pause. Think before you speak! & choose to speak life! This SWEET conversation with the Founder of The Cupcake Collection, Mignon Francios,  took a Holy Spirit led turn as we talked about the power our words hold, and the worlds they either create... or destroy! In this conversation we talk about... -The significance of your name! It's the...
Published 05/24/23
Who is Jesus to you, friend? Is He your friend? Your Savior? Your comforter? Your Redeemer? Today we are hanging out with Brianne Erman to talk about the name above all names...JESUS, and who He is to us on this side of Heaven. Brianne is a 24-year-old young woman of God living in sunny San Diego, who truly love Jesus with everything! Brianne says, "He has changed my life and shown me who I am. He is my Father, my best friend… truly my everything! I have a podcast that I use to share my...
Published 05/19/23
The very last word of the Bible isn't, "OHHH ME" it's AMEN.  Does your amen sound like "AYE-MEN" a little more southern or... "AWE-MEN" a little... daintier, shall we say?!  No matter what the ending of your prayers sounds like, have you ever taken a deep dive into this word.  AMEN, SO BE IT.  When we close our prayers with, "amen" we release them back up to God saying, "not my will, but yours be done. I trust this up to you, Father."  One of my FAVORITE humans on this side of Heaven,...
Published 05/12/23
Welcome back to a very special episode of FAITH & FRIENDS! Do you love music? Maybe even play an instrument or want to pursue a career in the Music Industry?! From Songwriting, to  Booking Agents, Managers, Producers, Mixers... my stars, ACCORDING TO OUR NEW FRIEND, BRICKELL, there are 182 JOBS in the industry. There is so much room for you, friend if this is a desire of your heart or something you'd like to explore! Scott Brickell is the Manager of MercyMe, and the Founder and...
Published 05/10/23
If you still have breath, you are never too far gone.  As we continue in our prayer series, I cannot think of a better friend to chat about, "deliver us from evil" than with Joshua Broome.  Joshua says, "there was a 6 year period of my life where I was one of the most successful adult film stars in the world. I obtained fame, wealth, and traveled the world all to find out that none of those would fill the emptiness in my heart.  I have been appearing on podcasts, tv shows, and standing on...
Published 05/05/23
What an exciting time we live in! Revelation is not meant to scare...its meant to PREPARE! Welcome to a BONUS episode of Faith & Friends as we dive in with Bible Scholar Peter Lalonde! Peter's life work, primarily has been devoted to studying and sharing Gods word in means of learning and growing in the area of Biblical Prophecy! Peter Lalonde produced the original Left Behind Series, and he was the cohost of the show, "today in Bible Prophecy" and has authored a dozen books about...
Published 05/03/23
Even Jesus was tempted, tested, & tried in EVERY WAY. So He gets it. He sympathizes with US in our weakness. And since He conquered sin... we can conquer, TOO! You can read more of my thoughts in, "Hi God, it's Me" but today-- we are going to hear from our sister in the Lord, Grace Valentine! Grace is an Author or real books, and mini-books on social media! She is a speaker and one of my real life best friends. I am so grateful for the way she so authentically shares Gods goodness to...
Published 04/28/23
We are creative, because our Creator is creative. YOU, were His idea. He didn't have to make you...but He wanted to. So, He did. & I'm so glad. Today we are hanging out with Anne Neilson! Anne is well known for her ethereal Angel Series, which are inspiring reflections of her faith and recognized for their stunning use of color. Neilson published two coffee table books and launched Anne Neilson Home, a growing collection of luxury home products, including candles, note cards,...
Published 04/26/23
The Cross goes both ways. Horizontal, and Vertical. When we come to the LORD, and seek forgiveness, He makes us right with Him (vertical). Then, as we see in the model prayer of Matthew 6, we are told to"Forgive [us] as we forgive those who sin against us". We are called to FORGIVE one another, just as Christ has forgiven us! (Horizontally)! To chat about all things forgiveness, we are hanging out with our sister in the LORD, Laura Osnes. Laura is an actress,  singer/songwriter, wife,...
Published 04/21/23
Welcome to a very special episode of FAITH & FRIENDS! I am so beyond excited to share this conversation with YOU, as we chat with KATIE MILLER. She is a THIRD GENERATION founding family member of the Sight & Sound Theaters. A ministry where the Bible is brought to the stage! From a dairy farm, to the theater! Oh yes you read that right! You'll just have to lean in & listen to this fun conversation to see how the Lord tied these two things together! Sight & Sound Theaters...
Published 04/19/23
In the Model prayer of Matthew 6, Jesus could have said weekly ...monthly...or even annual bread! But instead He says, "give us this day, our DAILY bread". Today we are going to take a deeper look into the significance of seeking Him first, most, and DAILY with our friend Michael. Michael Weitzmen is a student, engineer, mentor, former foster youth, and foster youth advocate and speaker. In this episode we chat about... -What seeking God FIRST looks like for Michael as a man after Gods...
Published 04/14/23
WAR ROOM. The movie that taught us how a prayer strategy can change lives. Today we are chatting with the lovely, Karen Abercrombie, the woman who played, Miss Clara. If we've been friends for any amount of time, whew, you know how much I talk about loving this movie--so today, being able to THANK and talk to Karen was a sincere JOY. As we continue in our prayer series today we chat about, "ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN". In this episode you will hear... -How War Room impacted not only...
Published 04/07/23
Who's Kingdom are you building? Yours? or HIS? Today we are chatting with the one & only, Dallas Jenkins, the creator of THE CHOSEN! Between you & me, I am a BIGGGG Chosen fan and this conversation was such a delight. The Chosen is a multi-season show about the life of Jesus and His disciples during His earthly ministry! These episodes follow through the Gospels while also taking creative liberty, within plausible reason, to fill in the gaps as a storyteller. It's a beautiful way...
Published 03/31/23
Have you ever seen those trending Smoothie Bowl videos on your social media feed?! IDK about you, but they're so tasty lookin', I wish I could grab one through the screen! Today we are talking with the woman of God behind all things #DoStuff, smoothie bowls, & allllll the fun food content! Nicole is a real life bestie of mine and I am beyond honored to continue in our prayer series with her! Today we are diving into, "Your Kingdom Come..." In this episode you will hear... -How...
Published 03/24/23
Everything about GOD is HOLY. & today as we continue in our PRAYER SERIES we are joined by the lovely Gabrielle Mccullough as we talk about holiness, and how confession of our sins brings us closer to God, and one another.  Gabrielle  is a 21-year-old, Minnesota born and raised, evangelist and bible teacher who is eager about reaching all people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Her greatest passion is to specifically fight for her generation to be found faithful by knowing God, fearing...
Published 03/17/23
FATHER. And I'm not talking about the one here on this side of glory. Today we are talking about the love only your Heavenly Father can give. I am SO beyond PUMPED to share my bestie, Chiara Clark with YOU. Chiara is a speaker, wife, mama, incredible friend, and DAUGHTER of the KING. Her story, from a fatherless home from the age of 2, to becoming a pastors kid at 15, to having an ENCOUNTER with the LORD when she was on the edge of truly, giving up, is POWERFUL. today we talk...
Published 03/10/23
A NEW Christina film is hitting the big screen THIS WEEKEND! I am beyond honored to introduce to you, Jeffrey Smith, the director of the new film, SOUTHERN GOSPEL. This film is about the REAL LIFE STORY of Samuel Allen, a 1960's rockstar, finds himself in jail after struggling with years of anger and blame toward organized religion that has led him down a road of rebellion. In a moment of divine intervention, the judge dismisses drug charges against him under the pretense that Samuel...
Published 03/08/23
It's quite the lie we believe that WE are in control. And many of us live like we are. The more we feed into this lie, the more we become our own, little g god. YIKES. FRIENDS--Let's avoid this at allll costs! Today we are chatting with Tara Sun, a sweet sister in the LORD who has learned the beauty of SURRENDERING YOUR STORY. There is  freedom to be found as we  in trust Gods timing with our stories. We can trade control for profound peace, and REAL joy through CHRIST!  In this episode...
Published 03/03/23
WELCOME TO SEASON FIVE, FRIENDS! I am so beyond honored to share MY heart with you today. To launch us into a new season of the Podcast, it's just you and me, friend! In this episode we're going to chat about.. -My testimony! How I grew up in the Church knowing God, but found a true relationship with JESUS in College! -How God wants to use ALL of you, not just part of your passions -How the Lord prepares you for what you're called to for His kingdom -The importance of getting poured...
Published 02/24/23
She is a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mother, an actress, a writer, an education advocate... Sam Sorbo is just awesome. To begin our conversation I asked Mrs. Sam, "What motivates you each morning as you wake up?" And her answer was stunning. Just one word. TRUTH. & do you know WHO is the truth? You read that right, not WHAT is the truth, WHO is the truth? JESUS. Is the Truth, the Way, the Life. (John 14:6) In this episode we talk about... -The attack on truth -The power your...
Published 02/17/23
How do you know if you've found the one? Is it a moment? An audible word from God? A gut feeling? Or  practical, tangible moments that make you say, "yes. this is what I've been waiting for!!" Maybe it's all of the above!? No matter if you're single, dating, engaged, married, or in between this episode with Nick and Chelsea Hurst is for YOU. Today we are chatting with the Hurst's about their new book, "MARRIAGE MINDED: 10 Ways to Know if You've Found the One". (released NOW!) In this...
Published 02/10/23
During His time here on earth, Jesus taught us everything we need to know, so we too, can live the BLESSED LIFE. & today, we are chatting with bible teacher & author, Kelly Minter, who has found deep hope and healing through Christ and His Word. Kelly's newest study, "The Blessed Life: a 90-day devotional through the teachings and miracles of Jesus" takes the reader through the Gospel of Matthew from the Sermon on the Mount, then down from the mountain following the accounts of...
Published 02/03/23
Whew! What a convicting, freeing, healing, and encouraging conversation we're having today with our new friend, Kathryn Maack. Kathryn Maack (yes--two a's, double AWESOME) is the co-founder/leader of Dwellings Ministries. Kathryn is passionate about the future of the Church, and she loves encouraging people toward their highest kingdom potential. Kathryn lives in Little Rock Arkansas with her husband BJ alongside their 4 beautiful children: Libby, Anna, Rachel, and Andrew! In this episode...
Published 01/27/23