January is a time for new gym memberships, new learning app subscriptions, and new habits. However, many of us have trouble keeping all three by March. And while we can’t help with the first two items, we might be able to give you a nudge with the third. In this session, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) cover their favourite tips for setting healthy financial habits in 2024. These range from tracking where your money goes, to...
Published 01/08/24
Welcome to 2024! The New Year is upon us, and if you’re anything like us, your Resolution featured something about an updated budget. Worry not – for that’s what this Get Rich Slow Club episode is all about. In the first session of 2024, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) chat with Jessica Irvine, an award-winning author and content creator at @moneywithjess. In their discussion, they explore how to find the right budgeting approach...
Published 01/01/24
Late December is a prime period for afternoon naps and food comas. It’s also a time in which we can reflect on the wins, losses, and lessons of the last 12 months. That way, we can begin the New Year with a clear idea of what we want to achieve, and how we can get there. In this episode, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) reflect on all they’ve learnt in 2023. These lessons range from the importance of an emergency fund, to knowing...
Published 12/25/23
Have you ever heard someone declare that they’re “bad with money”? Maybe you’ve said it about yourself. It’s an idea that many of us perpetuate about ourselves, alongside other myths like “I’m bad at maths”. But despite its prevalence, it’s a stigma that we can all challenge – and break. To tackle this topic, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) are joined by Victoria Shakeshaft from @bad.bitch.money. In this session, the three cover...
Published 12/18/23
If you’re in a relationship, it’s one of the most important decisions you can make. However, until recently, it’s rarely been discussed in mainstream money media. On one hand, it can be an effective way to build transparency, unity, and philosophical alignment in a relationship. On the downside, in toxic relationships, it can lay the groundwork for financial abuse. So, how can you know if and when it’s right to merge finances with your partner? As with most money-related topics, there’s no...
Published 12/11/23
Money management can be a paradox. On one hand, it’s the definition of cold, logical thinking – additions and subtractions and fractions and percentages. On the flipside, money relates to our hopes and dreams and fears – subjects which couldn’t be more emotional. How, then, are we to balance emotion with logic when managing our investments? As you may have guessed, this conundrum is precisely what the Get Rich Slow Club explores in this episode. To this end, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests)...
Published 12/04/23
The Get Rich Slow Club is back with another investing Q&A! Once again, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) respond to some of the community’s thorniest queries. These run the gamut of investing concepts, including: “What are the biggest mistakes to avoid when investing?” “How can I get my partner excited about investing?” “How can I stay motivated for buying a property?”…and many more! Tune in to hear this Q&A, or ask your own...
Published 11/27/23
A key part of getting rich slow is changing the way we view supposedly “boring” topics. From budgeting to superannuation, this podcast has set out to prove that “boring” subject matters can be wealth-building game changers. In this episode, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) continue this trend by exploring an often misunderstood topic: insurance. To further your understanding, they are joined by Nareena Aracas, a founding partner of...
Published 11/20/23
When we’re working towards getting rich slow, it can be easy to focus on the granular details. Research into things like ETF management fees and differences in online brokers can occupy much of your time. And while these details are important, there’s an oft-overlooked factor which arguably matters even more: money psychology. After all, the way we think about money shapes how we spend, invest, and get rich slow (or don’t). To help you on your journey, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and...
Published 11/13/23
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Diwali, or just Silly Season, there’s a universal truth we all face: November-to-January costs. A. LOT. Between gifts, banquets, end-of-year parties, and family trips, it’s easy for even the most airtight budget to come undone. Get Rich Slow Club hosts Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) have been there – again and again. And, through sheer lived experience, they learned how to...
Published 11/08/23
Over the last few years, the Aussie super industry has seen a bit of a revamp. An increase in comparison tools, calls for greater fund transparency, and initiatives like the first home super saver scheme have all been to the benefit of the public. Even so, there’s still a lot that many people don’t know about their super. To pull back the curtain, the Get Rich Slow Club this week welcomes a very special, very anonymous guest. Join Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of...
Published 11/06/23
You don’t need this podcast to tell you that property is a fraught topic in Australia. Between clickbaity news headlines, nail-biting RBA announcements, and bank-busting Domain listings, it can sometimes feel like the game is rigged. That’s why, in this session, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) have approached the topic from a different perspective. Instead of churning out stats or sound bites, they use this episode to share their...
Published 10/30/23
A question Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) receives all the time is: “How did you get licensed to give general financial advice?” To answer this query for one and all, Tash and her co-host Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) have dedicated a bonus episode to it! Join Tash and Ana as they discuss how (and why) Tash got licensed. They also explore various license types; the difference between general and specific advice; and what a licensed representative is actually...
Published 10/25/23
If you’ve seen, heard, or read any financial content, you’ve probably stumbled across this phrase: “speak to a financial adviser.” Usually, it comes from content creators who don’t want to mislead their audience, or appear to provide recommendations. While one of our co-hosts is licensed to give financial advice, you’ll hear it plenty on this show as well. The reasons behind it are understandable – generalised content doesn’t account for specific circumstances, and shouldn’t be construed as...
Published 10/23/23
First and foremost: we recognise that the topic of children isn’t easy for everyone. Families take different shapes and sizes, and some people don’t want or aren’t able to have kids. If parenthood is a subject you’d rather avoid, please feel free to give this episode a miss. However, if you have (or plan to have) kids, you may have considered investing for them. As with all types of investing, there’s no definitive answer – there’s only what’s right for you. But if you’d like to ponder the...
Published 10/16/23
Whether you have kids, would like to start a family, or have no plans for parenthood, one thing is clear: children in this country are expensive. Get Rich Slow Club co-host Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) has experienced this reality first-hand. However, unlike many other aspects of personal finance, Ana found there were few resources to help expecting parents financially prepare. That’s why she decided to do something about it. Enter: Kids Ain’t Cheap, Ana’s first...
Published 10/11/23
“Money can’t buy you happiness.” It’s an expression most of us have heard for most of our lives. Of course, anyone who’s ever struggled to pay their rent, bills, or mortgage may beg to differ. True, money can’t buy genuine relationships, meaningful memories, or purpose in life. Even so, it can remove many of the stresses that often erode our sources of happiness. Is there an argument to be made, then, that money can buy happiness? Few people are better positioned to explore this topic than...
Published 10/09/23
So far, the Get Rich Slow Club has explored a range of methods to increase your net wealth. From investing in ETFs to budgeting and saving, there are a slew of strategies available to you. However, there’s one tactic which arguably delivers more satisfaction than the rest combined: earning more. In this episode, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) explore all the different ways you can increase your income. They also cover how to...
Published 10/02/23
There are few people in the Aussie personal finance scene who run the game as well as Emma from The Broke Generation. As a Certified Financial Behaviour Specialist, podcast host, and financial educator, The Broke Generation has become synonymous with “millennial finances”. She also happens to be a good friend of the Get Rich Slow Club’s co-hosts. In this session, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) chat with Emma about money habits...
Published 09/25/23
Let’s be honest: budgeting doesn’t *feel* like a fun topic, does it? In fact, a lot of people swipe left on the entire issue. When they hear “budgeting”, they think of home brand beans and discount coupons and a general state of misery. However, it doesn’t need to be boring or asphyxiating. In fact, if you can master it, budgeting can become a superpower in your quest for Financial Independence. In this episode, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product &...
Published 09/18/23
Within the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) community, Aussie Firebug is something of a rockstar. Having documented his experiences with FIRE since 2015, Aussie Firebug has inspired countless people on their own Financial Independence journeys. In other words, he’s a pitch perfect guest for the Get Rich Slow Club. In this session of the Get Rich Slow Club, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) speak with Aussie Firebug about...
Published 09/11/23
“Financial Independence, Retire Early”. It’s one of those terms that sounds too good to be true, like “guaranteed return on investment” or “zero calorie donuts”. Add the fact that it forms a soundbite-worthy acronym – “FIRE” – and you’d be forgiven for smelling a Ponzi scheme. Give it a closer look, though, and you’ll find a money mindset that embodies the Get Rich Slow Club ethos. In fact, FIRE has inspired a community of long-term investors, savers, and budgeters across Australia. And best...
Published 09/04/23
At the Get Rich Slow Club, we relish the chance to speak with some of the brightest money minds around. This week’s special guest – Hannah Richards – is no exception. Under her moniker The Wealthy Empath, Hannah runs a business that helps Millennial women to negotiate salaries, change their attitudes towards money, and be their best selves. In this episode of the Get Rich Slow Club, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) chat with...
Published 08/28/23
“I want to invest in the stock market, but I’m still paying off my mortgage. Should I pay it off in full before I begin, or should I get started investing as soon as possible?” Sound familiar? If it does, you’re not alone. It’s a common (and perfectly understandable) question for first-time shares investors. And as you may have already guessed, there’s no universally right or wrong answer. Even so, by understanding all the factors at play, you can make the most informed choice for your...
Published 08/21/23
In last week’s episode, the Get Rich Slow Club dived into the awesome power of superannuation. This time around, they’re diving even deeper – by bringing in the experts. For this unmissable episode, Natasha Etschmann (Tash Invests) and Ana Kresina (Head of Product & Community at Pearler) are joined by Trenna Probert, the CEO of Super Fierce. As a veteran entrepreneur with nearly three decades of financial services experience, Trenna is doggedly determined to empower Australians to age...
Published 08/14/23