The Urban Legend of the House of Blue Lights and the glass coffin? Did Test bury his wife in a glass coffin at the bottom of the pool listen to find out? You can Listen to our Podcast published every 15th and 30th of the month at midnight. Ghost to Ghost is a podcast by SPIRIT Indiana Paranormal and can be found on all popular formats. Where to contact us and follow us through social media at:
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WARNING: The following may cause the viewer or listener to experience the inability to sleep, a frightened state of mind, an intense fear of the dark, night, politicians, unknown sounds, extreme apprehension, and fear of ghosts, specters, spirits, bad jokes, a demonic presence. It may also cause the open-minded enough who are willing to consider the possibilities of life after death and the enlightenment of what yet lies beyond our realm. DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME. The subject matter in this video or broadcast may contain graphic depictions, and some creepy, ghosts, ghouls, legends, folklore, demonic situations, and scary stories. All materials used are “owner cited” with all rights reserved to the trademark, copyrighted, or owner and are used with permission from the owner where indicated. Material that has been publicly published is credited as the same and as such is not required to have permission from the author. In the interest of “good Journalism, all effort has been exercised to assuring that we have obtained all permissions to use said material. If there is a problem, please contact us and we apologize for any inaccurate quotes and any mistakes.
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