“Who really knows why evangelicals are backing trump , but I can guess why . The abortion issue and financial and political power take the place of teal spirituality . This nonsensical review spilled out into the public podcast community is a rare gem . They indeed are resurrecting power through the hippocritical lens of fake faith . The podcasters relate to their listeners like a secret society whose main objective is to get trump elected by trying to smash down our throats that it is due to extreme forgiveness and proof ? That god has given trump the keys to the castle , is it wrong to assume that the hosts of this podcast seem to be secret society recruiters and seem to be biased against what religion is supposed to be against . Hiding behind the religious lens is unintelligent , bad intent , the open mind has a lot of space to fill , this podcast is more like a cult , a division of trump inc, meant to bribe a sector of people who pretend to be courageous religious leaders active in their community . This podcast is flavored with biased election control , making it evident that trump is defined in terms that recognize the mafia boss and the zealots here hiding in plain sight , making more of the fear we as a country feel watching the scheming right embrace the hippocritical religious sect . This language stated within these podcasts are reminiscent to political warfare , much like the toxic political waste the Catholic Church became known as when suffering from the sins of greed and hiding beneath the cover of the cardinals raping children while using the catholic riches to control political events , becoming less of a spiritual sector based on faith. The past shows the use of faith based religions to lure and control and offer harm to its parishioners , religion has based wars on their faith to lure the lost and guilt ridden souls to beg for power . Many sins have been committed in the name of religion . Religion seems once again proving the abuses human religious leaders can enact as once again the basis of honoring Donald trump has no absolute link to him as a spiritual Demi god . While it’s true god does use sinners to create miracles , I doubt the essence of trump is the sole entity we have been searching for in our constant quest to deliver our souls to be extracted for self serving reasons that reward the religious right , no more actively practicing true religious messaging than Hitler . The Same trade in for power at the hands of lost souls keeps the lost dependent on its false leaders . These religions keep them in fear , weakened by the self doubt and subtle suggestions of hatred of those followers that are loyal . Trump screams hatred . He demands total loyalty while giving none of the same . His administration has worked to rack up record numbers of “sins” that outweigh any other presidential candidate or president in our history . The sins he seems to be resurrecting , are in part aided by the kind of leadership behind this podcast . It’s unrealistic . This podcasts content is more like a cult following and a call to arms . Content encouraging division , supporting a president whose unholy alliance is transparent , while sucking the religious community dry if its voters and financial links , trump works to divide and harm personally many of those lost solescurrently going to bat for trump while trump continues to reoffend . How greedy must one be not to see the transparency in the hippocritical message translated through this podcast , helps to further divide and discriminate . Trumps reoffending nature , his vast dishonest nature is not the nucleus god intended to save Americans from themselves . The real power lies in the people and their separate and combined power in unity . This podcast works in sync with trump supporters to rip apart threads of love once felt for one another within communities . Religious content here insures the vast divide by prodding and aiding the trump Dministration in misleading content and shoukd be zapped by lightning from the pure Shame of organized religions call to arms using its followers to further political ambitions and creating their own rules to align with their ambitions . The hosts of this podcast are truly part of the growing greed that clings to trump , hoping to cash in on trumps dishonest natureand take advantage of the relaxation of laws surrounding corruption . Nothing laid out for the listening audience even slightly resembles true faith , their hands are dirty and out begging fir a piece of the power connected to trump . Which will fall flat after trump gets lead out of the Oval Office most likely in handcuffs . I doubt this organization hiding in plain sight , will be around when this happens , they remain a division of trumps alliances to gain his desires at any cost and remain blind to the many continuing crime and deception trump is knee deep in the deepest end of the swamp . Pretending to be religious is a sin . Protecting abusers As the church has often been accused of happens regularly , when man made religion puts themselves in charge human flaws take over . The obvious rise in evangelical corrupt participation is a consequence of men and women that are susceptible to sin and greed . God wouldn’t ever put men in charge of his flock with self serving rules of entering heaven , god would never promote backing blindly gods before him , he wouldn’t need human soldiers capable of the same atrocities they warn against . The content of this podcast is poisoned by the power grabs and serves to hipnotize a section of people vulnerable to the cover of religion and the blind faith that is needed to belong to any outfit practicing in religious elitism . And disguised as faith . These hosts are clearly , packing their houses of the holy with demands of loyalty for power , demanding financial rewards needed to lure the attention of the president of the United States who can’t recall a single bible verse . Doomed !”
cindokidd via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·