In the final days of 2023, social media was overrun with predictions for the year ahead that ranged from hemlines to dating red flags. These personal manifestos were shared as if we’re all paid for our opinions and trend-setting views but in truth, our ins and outs are simply a public declaration of what we’re no longer putting up with, how we’re promising to treat ourselves and others better, and our personal aspirations. And as always, at the top of our list is to hug your people…and then...
Published 01/10/24
It’s 2024 and we’re back with some super exciting news! 
Published 01/02/24
One year ago tomorrow we started this podcast. Rylee was a super fresh newlywed and Jaj was deep in the trenches of loss after becoming newly widowed. We look back over the highs and the lows, our favorite episodes, and talk about how starting this podcast has been therapeutic and cathartic. We're healing, we're happy, and if this year has taught us anything it is to hug your people, and then hug them again. We love you. Fabric of FolkloreUnraveling the mysteries of folklore we explore their...
Published 12/19/23
When Alin Shoenrock drove by the police cars and emergency vehicles in her neighborhood, it would be a few hours before she would learn that her daughter, Sienna, was the victim of that terrible scene. "She didn't make it," quickly became the words that Alin would unbelievingly tell other loved ones as her own grief overwhelmed her. It's been 6 weeks and Alin sat down with Rylee and Jaj to talk about her journey through grief, how it's affected their family, the community that rallied, and...
Published 12/12/23
Who's more qualified to give you shopping advice and gift ideas than two 20-somethings who are literally experts at spending money? These aren't gift guides you need but they're ones you should pay attention to if you are a) someone shopping for a 20 to 70-something woman, or b) shopping for yourself and are a 20 to 70-something woman. Ok, we threw a couple of ideas in there for men as well but we know our audience and we're here to spread the good word about the things that are currently...
Published 12/05/23
Holidays are fun but they can get wild and so we asked you for your wildest holiday drama and you did not disappoint! Here are those stories.  We probably don't say this enough but thank you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for filling the void. Thank you for helping us feel Good As New.
Published 11/28/23
We think Kenzey's sister Syd sums this episode up well: God is good, people are kind, and miracles happen. 14 weeks ago Kenzey was on the girl's trip of the summer in South Carolina when a normal day of boating and tubing turned into the trip that would forever change her life.  Her parents were across the country when they received the news that Kenzey had been hit by a boat and was fighting for her life. But with the help of fast-acting people, angels, advice from Grandpa, incredible...
Published 11/21/23
Discomfort sucks. Losing your job is embarrassing and humiliating. And many times, it feels like the end of the end. But what if it’s that start of a new beginning? In today’s episode we’re talking about something pretty massive that happened in Rylee and Josh’s life recently and the feelings that came along with it. And it had us thinking, are we looking at the end of things as failure or are we looking at the end of one thing as an opportunity to pivot and do something new and better? Why...
Published 11/14/23
Gratitude is big. It’s the opportunity to step outside one’s self to look at other people, places, experiences, feelings, lessons, trails, and so much more and give thanks for those things. So we’re leading a Good As New gratitude sesh and talking about all of the things, and reading your submissions, that make us feel too blessed to be stressed! 
Published 11/07/23
We’ve got a very special BONUS episode for you today and Rylee is sitting down with her aunt Teresa who is the unofficial ghost queen! We don’t know why but Teresa has had run-ins with our friends from the other side and has lived to tell the tale many times over. From not so friendly spirits to seeing full bodied apparitions, Teresa has more than one reason to believe in ghosts and she’s here telling us all about them!
Published 10/31/23
Things that go bump in the night, seeing people that aren’t actually there, and other sorts of things that give us a chill and perhaps a little thrill! We asked you to submit your scariest stories and you did not disappoint! Usher in Halloween with these spooky tales!
Published 10/31/23
Thou shalt not judge but thou shalt also not covet thy husband’s brother! Just a little Christian advice to one of our dear anonymous listeners who was brave enough to check needs one of her deepest and darkest secrets. This week we asked our dear listeners to drop their confessions anonymously and you guys did it disappoint! Find out what your neighbor may be hiding from you or maybe find solace in someone else’s deep dark secret. You never know…you just might meet your new best friend.
Published 10/24/23
Listen, we know "disformity" is not a word. But we're forgiving everything today because Jaj has a big reveal and all is forgiven.  Some of you may call this a toxic trait but it's totally appropriate because this week we; 're discussing all of our toxic traits AKA beige flags. Not the toxic traits that send loved ones running for the hills, but the ones that make life just a bit harder for us and those who love us. Listen in and see if you have any of these beige flags!
Published 10/18/23
First coined by Ally in TV show Ally McBeal, "the ick" was originally a dating term that means you get a sudden cringe feeling when you have romantic contact with someone: and become almost immediately put off by them. But with the advent of TikTok, "the ick" has quickly grown to cover anything that's off-putting and makes us rethink our relationship with the item/person/song that is giving us that repulsive feeling.  So we asked you, dear listeners, what gives you "the ick?"
Published 10/10/23
Imagine having two babies in 7 years while living in 4 or 5 different countries, getting divorced, moving in with your parents, learning how to do life differently, and on top of it, trying to make new female friends...daunting right? Today's guest did all that and more. She's here to talk to us about her life before and after and what it's like to be a member of the SMC. Plus, she's Jaj's bestie and they were able to support each other and become friends while both of them were dealing with...
Published 10/03/23
She may be imperfect but she's raising 4 kids, has over a million followers on TikTok, and dancing makes her happy! Like the rest of us, she discovered TikTok during quarantine and started doing videos with her kids. They're wholesome, clean, and a very welcome interruption to our day. She shares with us how her passion for dance came about,  the impact this level of notoriety has had on her and her family, and yes, she even talks about her time as on of the #MomTok moms. So put on your...
Published 09/26/23
Name 5 things you don't currently love about yourself and most of us will have no problem rattling them off. But try naming 5 things we love. Well, that list isn't so easy for most of us. We like to think of self-love as a practice, not a destination. There is no finish line you cross when you officially love yourself. It’s also not the same thing as being “in love” with yourself - there's a fine line between being confident and not cocky. But at the end of the day, we think loving who we are...
Published 09/19/23
She’s a serial entrepreneur, had 5 kids under eight, established and ran a well-known cheer gym, and has established a high-end boutique medical spa that caters to the who’s-who of Utah, Maven Medical Arts.  And she’s Rylee’s mom! We discuss her journey, how she worked her way through various passions, and how her belief in her vision and leaning into her abilities has allowed her to create one success after another. She and her partner, Brooke Anderson have created a brand that’s well known...
Published 09/12/23
Hot on the heels of girl dinner comes girl math: a strategy for justifying large or unnecessary purchases. The calculations behind girl math aren't new, but the way we talk about those calculations — by rooting them in the collective experience of being a woman and the thrill of allowing yourself a treat or splurge — is. And while some people have shamed this trend as enabling overspending, girl math is just not that serious. For real. It's simply our silly way of justifying those purchases...
Published 09/05/23
In the days after your loved one's death, did anyone say to you, "You're so strong" or another variation on that theme? If so, how did it make you feel? Jaj's husband C.J. passed away one year ago Sunday and on this one-year anniversary, she's feeling very different than she thought she would. She is sick of being strong and she's tired of being an inspiration...and she's sad. To top it off, she got dumped...and we didn't even get to tell you she was dating. Strength in the context of grief...
Published 08/29/23
Anytime we think of going back to school, Adam Sandler inevitably comes to mind as the ultimate big kid who has some unfinished business. But we think of back to school as a chance to start fresh. From refreshing our wardrobe to the dos and don’ts of fitting in to making that summer mindset your entire personality, we determined to have the best back-to-school ever.
Published 08/22/23
Dating is rough. It’s like a big strainer that catches the good ones and let’s those limp noodles fall through. But it’s usually the duds that provide the very best stories. From getting engaged to another girl on the night you’re supposed to go out to all out brawls, these stories don’t disappoint. And make sure you listen to the end because we definitely saved the best for last!
Published 08/15/23
Rylee is finally slowing down from her endless summer, the Barbie movie has landed, and Jaja moved, her first major change since the passing of CJ. This week we’re talking about the role confidence plays in our lives and how we build the confidence to do and be more. From starting over to sharing your accomplishments, confidence plays a major role in more things than you know. 
Published 08/08/23
Want to feel good as new? Maybe you need to soak up some rays where the sun don’t shine. Perineum sunning, butt-chugging vitamin D, or exposing your butthole to the sun, is the latest in feel-good techniques we've seen circulating on social. So we asked you. What do you do to feel good as new? Hopefully, this week's episode gets you out of the dumps, inspires you to do something for yourself, and gives you something to feel good as new about.
Published 08/01/23
Moving is the worst. We hear it all the time. But we asked you to submit ALL the tips and tricks for moving so that it’s fast, efficient, and makes the unpacking process a dream. From labeling correctly and color coding rooms to hiring movers and not unpacking drawers, we’ve got you covered. Listen in so you can nail the next time you move.
Published 07/25/23