Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip   Almost all of us know at least one person who has been affected by cancer. Our guest on today’s podcast episode, Eric Newman, was just a child when he was diagnosed with cancer.  When he later asked his mother what she remembered about that day, she said that she remembered his dad having to leave her to go pack an overnight bag. She felt alone and afraid at the hospital trying to navigate the devastating news. From this,...
Published 02/28/23
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip   How Can We Fund Our Nonprofit? Nonprofits are always on the lookout for more money, especially unrestricted funding. And as a nonprofit strategist, I’m always on the lookout for ways to help them find it. That’s where today’s guest comes in. When I heard about Will Black and his team at Sharing the Credit last year, I knew I had to find out more about this and see if it’s a good resource to share with you.  Turns out,...
Published 02/14/23
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip Today I’m talking with longtime nonprofit expert Laverne Toombs about the art of grant writing. Before even writing a first draft of a grant, we need to do a few things to start off on the right foot. We dive into how doing this background work can really set us up for success.   Lay the Groundwork for the Grantmaker  If you’re interested in writing a grant, you don’t have to have it all figured out. No one starts...
Published 02/07/23
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip   Tackling Important Issues with Excellence Today I’m excited to introduce you to my good friend and brilliant colleague, Dr. Dan Young. He has years of experience in entrepreneurship, marketing, and nonprofit leadership. He drops so many nuggets of wisdom in this episode! I know you’ll find it inspiring.  Dr. Dan and I chat about: Integrating giving into our everyday life and setting an example for others. Creating an...
Published 01/31/23
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip   Several months ago I was at a large nonprofit conference in Nashville. While wandering up and down the booths, one caught my eye. They were giving away macaroons…delicious, colorful, many-flavored, handmade macaroons. *Sigh.* The macaroons worked their magic and I quickly became friends with the two coworkers running the booth. Turns out one of them, Dave Raley, was at another conference just the month before in Milwaukee...
Published 01/24/23
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip Whether you think of yourself as a leader or not, you are. You impact and influence others whether you realize it or not.  We all feel the heat sometimes in this hectic world. Let’s glean some wisdom from someone who’s been in the trenches - literally. Today’s interview is with a former Green Beret, Otis McGregor, and it’s an honor to have him share his leadership and life lessons with us. Otis shares about learning how to...
Published 12/27/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip Join the Roundtable With Four Experts As We Discuss the Nonprofit Overhead Myth A few weeks ago, someone shared an article on LinkedIn about the long-debated Overhead Myth. Is nonprofit overhead bad? Is there a magic percentage for overhead? How can we educate people about the importance of funding operational costs? That’s why I rounded up five nonprofit thought leaders to discuss this. We’re passionate about busting this...
Published 12/20/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip We each have a unique combination of things that light us up. From art to spreadsheets, engines to baking cookies (guilty!), we all have our things we enjoy. Those things we’re passionate about typically spread across a wide range of interests. Along with that, we also have a lot of things we wish we could change in the world. This combination of many passions and wanting to make an impact within these areas is what led...
Published 12/13/22
Join the Nonprofit Mythbusters: www.nonprofitmythbusters.com Getting Over the Nonprofit Overhead Myth In 2013 Dan Pallotta released his TED Talk that called out what is now known as The Overhead Myth. The nonprofit sector was hopeful that things might turn around. Now, almost a decade later, has anything changed? Have we stopped judging organizational effectiveness based solely on how much (or how little) a nonprofit organization spends on operational costs? I've rounded up some...
Published 12/06/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip. Homelessness is one of the big issues in society today and it knows no geographical boundaries. A nonprofit called New Story is tackling this issue, and their ultimate goal is to end global homelessness. And get this - they do it by printing 3D homes. As you can imagine, there are a lot of hindrances while tackling such a large issue. I’m talking with Kristen Harrington, Senior Manager of Partnerships for New Story. We...
Published 11/29/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer today: www.teresahuff.com/vip   Last winter I presented a grant writing workshop at a conference in Milwaukee. One of the hosts was The Nonprofit Alliance. You may recognize that name from my past guest Shannon McCracken in Episode 70. I didn’t know another soul going into the conference. However, you’d be proud of this introvert. I had a great time and talked to a lot of new people! One of those happened to sit down next to me at lunch. After...
Published 11/22/22
TEDx Talk: The Real ROI of Grant Writing My TEDx Talk is live!! You can watch and share here: The Real ROI of Grant Writing I've been a longtime fan of learning from TEDx speakers, and am thrilled to have the opportunity to give a talk of my own! I share about nonprofits and how having the right ROI framework in place can open new doors. When most people hear ROI, they think ‘Return on Investment,’ but when it comes to grant writing the ROI framework is different. We're looking for a...
Published 11/16/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip New Friends Make the World a Better Place As a little girl, I remember when I first heard of the Harlem Globetrotters. I got to see them in person a time or two and thought they were THE coolest thing ever. Still do. Even though I’m not much of a coordinated basketball player myself, I can appreciate the skill and conditioning it takes to play the sport. Throw in some fancy moves, entertainment, and personality like the...
Published 11/08/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer and kickstart your grant writing career today: www.teresahuff.com/vip The Quest for the Perfect Water Bottle A couple of years ago I needed a new water bottle. But not just any water bottle. You see, even though it’s a small thing, it’s also a big thing. I drink a lot of water all day, every day. I feel all weird and shrively if I don’t. Because it’s such an everyday thing for me, a water bottle is an important decision. It had to be just right....
Published 11/01/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip   The Variety of Nonprofit Fundraising Lately we’ve been covering some awesome fundraising and leadership topics - major gifts, corporate sponsors, lean startups, and more. Even though the last few episodes aren’t directly about grant writing, they’ll sure help you with grants in the long run! A well-rounded approach to your nonprofit’s fundraising plan is a big key to success. Grants are only one piece of the pie; it’s...
Published 10/25/22
Happy Birthday to Grant Writing Simplified! This month I’m celebrating TWO YEARS of the Grant Writing Simplified Podcast! How crazy is that!! I was scared to death to start the podcast two years ago, but here we are over 100 episodes later and it’s been a blast. I’ve met some of the most incredible people all over the world because of it, and some amazing grant writers have gone through the Fast Track to Grant Writer VIP Program. It's been quite a ride. Whether you’re new or you’ve been...
Published 10/24/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip Today I'm talking to Linda Lysakowski about corporate fundraising. She’s a brilliant resource and draws on decades of experience. If you’re wondering how to get more help from businesses in your community, this is the perfect episode for you! Brainstorm Your Network Your board members, staff, fundraising committee, and volunteers know people. You never know the personal connections you have to people or corporations that are...
Published 10/11/22
Meet me in...Delaware! Grab your tickets for my TEDx Talk on October 13, 2022! Do Major Gifts Seem Initimidating? A lot of people are super intimidated by fundraising, yet it’s a big part of nonprofit work. You’ve heard me talk a lot about needing multiple sources of funding for your nonprofit. Grants alone won’t do the trick. That’s why I’ve brought in another expert for you. In this episode I’m talking with Kevin Fitzpatrick from the One Visit Away Podcast about Major Gifts.  What...
Published 10/04/22
Meet me in...Delaware! Grab your tickets for my TEDx Talk in October! Remember Your Mission and Put In the Work In this episode we talk with Katherine Kreuchauf about Lean Nonprofit Startups. What does that mean exactly? We learn that a successful nonprofit requires not only a heart for a cause, but thoughtful action, quick adjustments, and valuable investments. Katherine shares so many wonderful pieces of advice for how to focus on your mission and be successful in making a lasting impact....
Published 09/27/22
Big Announcement for Q4! In the last episode, I hinted that I’ve got some awesome things coming up this fall in Q4. 2022 is far from over, and I’m committing to some big steps this year!  I’m heading to Wilmington, Delaware, to give a TEDx talk in October! AND you’re invited to join me live! Grab your tickets here and send me a message that you’re coming. I’d love to have some friends in the seats. How a Nonprofit Can Become Grant Ready I often talk about the importance of grant readiness...
Published 09/22/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer today: www.teresahuff.com/vip Recognize How To Use Your Skillset To Start A Grant Writing Business This week is an on-air strategy call, one of my favorite ways to coach grant writers! I'm chatting with Lori Smith, a former special education teacher like me. We have a lot in common and I understand the types of work she's been doing already. In this episode we're talking about how Lori's skillset as a special ed teacher can transfer to grant...
Published 08/30/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip Two Grant Writing Pros Talk Shop Today I'm excited to host my podcasting friend and grant writing coach Holly Rustick. Holly brings a wealth of experience from her longtime career in grant writing and consulting. Holly and I talk about common mistakes we've seen over the years, struggles we've experienced, and several ways nonprofits can position themselves more competitively for grant funding.  Tips for Building Your...
Published 08/23/22
Celebrate 100 Episodes with Me! Today I'm thrilled to hit a big podcasting milestone - 100 episodes! Will you help me celebrate by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts? Together we can help others find the resources they need to change the world! Want to Meet Up in Kansas City? Join me at the NIO Summit on September 20-23, 2022, and use the code ICTH22 to get a whopping $400 off your ticket!! Sign up here and I'll see you there! Top 10 Random Questions About My Grant Writing Career A...
Published 08/23/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip. How Can You Improve Your Grant Writing? Sometimes the best answer to that question is to ask the obvious. Oftentimes we think we're perfectly clear, but are we really? The past few episodes we've been talking about the importance of clarity - in our work, our messaging, our communications, and especially our grant writing. That then becomes the catalyst for becoming more effective. With a grant application, for example,...
Published 06/28/22
Join me on the Fast Track to Grant Writer: www.teresahuff.com/vip Uncover Your Secret Strengths With at least half of the population being introverts, either you are an introvert, or you’ll interact with someone who is. No matter what, others won’t be quite like us in how we think, feel, or communicate. And that’s a good thing!  This topic has been a game changer for me in leaning into my grant writing career. That’s why I’m excited to finally have the chance to talk about it with today’s...
Published 06/22/22