🤖 Substrate Reactivity, Deciphering EC Readings, and Real Time Monitoring, with Jason and Seth from Aroya
Jason and Seth from www.aroya.io and the Office Hours podcast are on the show for the very first time! High tech growers rejoice- the guys discuss how they got into the world of agricultural monitoring and eventually education and content creation. Seth and Jason share some of the issues that they work with large scale growers on, including dialing in their setup through comprehensive monitoring. This leads to a conversation about growing in coco coir, and how different substrate reactions can alter ones grow styles in more ways than one. They also troubleshoot things like input and output readings for EC, while factoring in other environmental metrics. Jordan talks about his new Aroya GO Kit, and how monitoring your garden opens up the ability to analyze historical data.
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Organic gardening specialist and creator of Riverview Living Soils, first time GrowCast Guest Ricky joins the program! Ricky talks about how he got started in the cannabis industry, and what led him to create his own soil company. This leads to a conversation about home soil gardening and Ricky...
Published 11/11/24
Nik from Rooted Leaf Nutrients (CODE GROWCAST for 20% OFF) returns to the show for the nutrient deep dive series. This time we are moving away from fertilizer elements and taking a look at humic and fulvic acids. Nik picks up with his analogy about your plant acting as a pump- and he adds the...
Published 10/28/24