Ubuntu Forgotten: The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.
Thank you INKOTANYI for laying your lives down for the sake of Rwanda. We are because of you. To the survivors, we honor you, and grateful you are here. We remember so as to not forget. We remember to honor the lives lost during the genocide. We remember, so that we can move forward in the right direction. Few free resources: https://international-review.icrc.org/sites/default/files/reviews-pdf/2019-12/irrc_101_910_3.pdf. Kwibuka Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kwibuka-podcast/id1561672733. Digital Kwibuka: https://www.instagram.com/digitalkwibuka?igsh=YmNndDFzczU4cnZ0. Few Books: 1. Stepp’d in blood by Andrew Wallis. 2. We survived Genocide in Rwanda. 3. Conspiracy to Murder: the Rwandan Genocide by Linda Melvern. 4. Silent Accomplice by Andrew Wallis. 5. Left to tell by Immaculée Ilibagiza. 6. Moi, le dernier Tutsi by Charles Habonimana. 7. Ma mère m’a tué by Albert Nsengimana 8. Not my time to die by Yolande Mukagasana 9. That child is me by Claver Irakoze
Online has pros and cons! You might get so caught up in it that you loose the relationship and the personal touch, but it can also serve as a tool that strengthens the relationship you have if used right. Thank you Sy🤍
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Friendship is an ever-changing landscape, and technology has both positive and negative influences on it. With social media dominating our lives, Sylvie shares with us how she sees it impacting the way we connect with others. And her experience with online friendship.
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