Major General Kenneth Privratsky, USA Retired, presents The Falklands Today: 35 Years After the War. For over 175 years, an archipelago, known as the Falkland Islands to the British and the Malvinas to Argentines, has been a source of tension. Some in Parliament were pushing for a shared agreement for the islands, when Argentina's military Junta surprised the world by invading the Falklands in 1982. Under Margaret Thatcher's leadership at the time, the British military overcame tremendous...
Published 06/09/17
Born and raised in Tokyo, Yasuhito Nakasato came to Alaska in 2010 to study graphic design art at UAA. After he graduated UAA, he started to experiment making drawings out of acrylic. As an artist, much of his inspiration came from studying Art History with Professor Charles Sean Licka where he came to realize “anything is possible in art”. At this event, Yasu discusses his artwork, what motivates his artistic expression and creative passion. Living as an outsider in a both a homogenious...
Published 04/29/17
Muslim students studying a variety of disciplines at UAA come together to discuss their life and convictions. Students include Sajid Raza (Civil Engineering), Bin Shabaan Jones (Elementary Education), Nasteha Abdi (Accounting), Rabia Hatch (Legal Studies). Acting as moderator is Gregory Shuiab Jones, Muslim Chaplain for the Muslim Student Organization at UAA. Embracing Islam in one’s daily life and having the right to wear the hajib are discussed.
Published 12/02/16
Sajid Raza is a UAA Graduate Student in Civil Engineering. At this event discusses life in Pakistan and the misconceptions people may have about Pakistan. Accompanying his talk is a slideshow, also posted in iTunes.
Published 09/15/16
Dr. Liu Zhen compares traditional ideas and values in the Zhouyi, The Book of Change and Confucius philosophy. His talk also focuses on the rituals, political advocacy, and virtuous pursuit conceived in the Book of Change (Zhouyi) for government administrators and analyzes the value of traditional ideas in the Zhouyi for contemporary social developments. Translating for this event is John C. Yang, owner of Painting with Words. (Note, the presernation for this event is also posted in...
Published 09/09/16
This presentation accompanies the podcast for the event Liu Zhen presents Political Ideas Conceived in the Zhouyi, The Book of Change. In it, Dr. Liu Zhen compares traditional ideas and values in the Zhouyi, The Book of Change and Confucius philosophy. His talk also focuses on the rituals, political advocacy, and virtuous pursuit conceived in the Book of Change (Zhouyi) for government administrators and analyzes the value of traditional ideas in the Zhouyi for contemporary social...
Published 09/09/16
Over the past two decades, the U.S. military has focused almost exclusively on operations in the Middle East. However, U.S. strategy specifies that military services must be ready to operate in remote areas, aka expeditionary warfare. At this event, today’s U.S. military situation is compared to that of Britain’s in 1982 when, while concentrating exclusively on NATO and the Warsaw Pact, it found itself waging a war 8,000 miles away with little wherewithal. And the dramatic difference of...
Published 06/23/16
What are the keys to investment success? According to Jeff Pantages, it is NOT about “beating the markets” but rather following basic principles that can help investors reach their long term goals. Find out how to invest wisely and not to lose one’s shirt at this informative event. Note: The audio podcast of this event is also posted in iTunes. Jeff Pantages, CFA® is Chief Investment Officer at Alaska Permanent Capital Management. Alaska Permanent Capital Management was founded by Dave...
Published 05/09/16
What are the keys to investment success? According to Jeff Pantages, it is NOT about “beating the markets” but rather following basic principles that can help investors reach their long term goals. Find out how to invest wisely and not to lose one’s shirt at this informative event. The presentation that accompanies the podcast is also posted in iTunes. Jeff Pantages, CFA® is Chief Investment Officer at Alaska Permanent Capital Management which was founded by Dave Rose in 1992.
Published 05/09/16
This is the presentation by UAA international student Douglas Baye who discusses the education system in Nigeria and the challenges he has faced coming to Alaska. The audio podcast of the event is also posted in iTunes.
Published 04/13/16
This presentation for UAA international student Munkh-Urguu Enkhbold, discusses Mongolia, his global travels, education and coming to Alaska. The audio podcast for this event is also posted in iTunes which starts at 36:58.
Published 04/13/16
UAA international students, Douglas Baye from Nigeria and Munkh-Urguu Enkhbold from Mongolia, discuss their home countries, education and coming to Alaska. Douglas Baye explains education requirements in Nigerian schools. And (starting at 36:58) Munkh-Urguu Enkhbold shares stories of his travels to schools in China, Japan, California and Alaska. Note: The event presentions that accompany the audio podcast are also posted in iTunes.
Published 04/13/16
Di Gao offers a a brief history of Confucius' life and times and gives an overview of Confucius' Analects. Di Gao is a professor in the Center for Ideological and Political Education at Northeast Normal University, China. He has translated the book, The Development of Social Knowledge: Morality and Convention by Elliot Turiel and is the author of Research on Socialist Core Values of Chinese Communist Party (People’s Publishing House, 2013). Currently, Di Gao is a visiting scholar in the...
Published 03/30/16
At this event, Thomas H. Cox explores Warren Delano’s career and the complicated relations between early American, British and Chinese merchants which formed the basis for future U.S. foreign policy towards Asia. Warren Delano II, the maternal grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was one of the most successful early American maritime traders in China. Although he openly supported the British war effort during the First Opium War, he discreetly traded with Hong merchants and...
Published 03/22/16
This is the presentation that accompanies the audio podcast of Misconceptions about Japan with Eric Odle and Yasuhito Nakasato. Eric Odle shares his experiences and insights into understanding the Japan of today. Everyone is encouraged to come and learn about the Japan not depicted in American media. Joining Eric will be Yasuhito Nakasato, an experienced Japanese-English interpreter. Eric Odle received a bachelor’s degree in Biology from St. Louis University and graduated from UAA with...
Published 03/21/16
Eric Odle shares his experiences and insights into understanding the Japan of today. Everyone is encouraged to come and learn about the Japan not depicted in American media. Joining Eric will be Yasuhito Nakasato, an experienced Japanese-English interpreter. Eric Odle received a bachelor’s degree in Biology from St. Louis University and graduated from UAA with a degree in Japanese. He has been working as a Japanese-English translator in Japan for the past three years. And while...
Published 03/21/16
This presentation accompanies the audio podcast for Di Gao presents Confucius’ Perspective on Morality. Di Gao offers a a brief history of Confucius' life and times and gives an overview of Confucius' Analects. Di Gao is a professor in the Center for Ideological and Political Education at Northeast Normal University, China. He has translated the book, The Development of Social Knowledge: Morality and Convention by Elliot Turiel and is the author of Research on Socialist Core Values of...
Published 03/01/16
Author Glenn Kurtz discusses his research and extraordinary book, Three Minutes in Poland, Discovering a Lost World in a 1938 Family Film. “Both a memoir and an impressive feat of historical research, Three Minutes in Poland documents Kurtz’s four-year search for surviving Nasielskers, who he hopes can piece together a narrative from the fragments of film.... In a genre so often preoccupied with the recitation of horrors, Three Minutes in Poland is the rare work that seems more about...
Published 05/10/15
UAA Student Ana Spaic Rodgrigues shares her experiences living in China for 4 years (0:30-17:34) and visit to Brazil (17:55-39:11) . How she engaged with people and explored new territories are highlights of the event. And her amazing adventurous spirit is showcased as we learn about different cultures and lifestyles. Note: The accompanying slide show presentations for China and Brazil are also posted in iTunes.
Published 04/20/15
UAA Student Ana Spaic Rodgrigues shares her experiences living in China for 4 years Her amazing adventurous spirit is showcased including how she engaged with people and explored new territories are highlights of the event. , Note: The audio podcast focusing on China for Passport Series: China and Brazil with Ana Spaic Rodgrigues is also posted in iTunes,(0:30-17:34).
Published 04/20/15
UAA Student Ana Spaic Rodgrigues shares her experiences living in China for 4 years Her amazing adventurous spirit is showcased including how she engaged with people and explored new territories are highlights of the event. Note: The audio podcast focusing on Brazil for Passport Series: China and Brazil with Ana Spaic Rodgrigues is also posted in iTunes, (17:55-39:11)
Published 04/20/15
The Passport series welcomes students from around the world to talk about their home countries and experiences living in Alaska. Anna Berecz is from Hungary (0:55-37:07) and Kyung Yeun Choi is from South Korea (39:02-1:32). Note, also posted in iTunes is Kyung Yeun Choi's presentation slides about Korea.
Published 04/16/15
International student Kyung Yeun Choi discusses her life in South Korea and her challenges coming to Anchorage and going to school. The audio podcast of her talk is also posted in iTunes, see Passport Series Korea and Hungary.
Published 04/16/15
UAA international student and basketball star, Jackson McTier, discusses his life in NE Australia before coming to UAA. The challenges he faces living in Anchorage and going to school are highlighted. The Passport series welcomes students from around the world to talk about their home countries and experiences living in Alaska.
Published 04/13/15
Professor Robin Wang presents a philosophical and historical analysis of women in China. Robin R. Wang is Professor of Philosophy and Director of Asian Pacific Studies at Loyola Marymount University. She is author of the highly acclaimed book, Yinyang: The Way of Heaven and Earth in Chinese Thought and Culture. She has a earned a BA. MA in philosophy, Peking University, PR China; a MA in Philosophy, University of Notre Dame; and a Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Wales, Cardiff, United...
Published 04/10/15